







神马    -  云代码空间

—— 任何傻瓜都能写出计算机可以理解的代码,好的程序员能写出人能读懂的代码。





退出 PRISM, NSA 的全球性資訊監督程式。 利用這些專有軟件的免費替代品,來停止把你的上網行為呈報給美國政府。

Proprietary Free alternative Notes

Operating system

  • Apple OS X
  • Google Chrome OS
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Trisquel由自由軟體基金會背書,利於使用者操作的 GNU/Linux 發行版。
  • Debian流行地、遵守開源倫理的 GNU/Linux 發行版。
  • Fedora快速、穩定、功能強大的 GNU/Linux 發行版。
  • Linux MintComfortable and easy to use GNU/Linux distribution.
  • Tails基于隱私、匿名而設計的 Live 作業系統。
Apple, Google, and Microsoft are a part of PRISM. Their proprietary operating systems cannot be trusted to safeguard your personal information from the NSA.This leaves us with two free alternatives: GNU/Linux andBSD.GNU/Linux has a much larger community to help you with the transition. It's recommended that you begin your explorations by looking for a GNU/Linux distribution that suits your needs.Why not Ubuntu? Ubuntu is a poor choice because it contains spyware.Note: PRISM Break recommends the no-codecs edition ofLinux Mint, as the other editions are encumbered with software patents. More info.

Android OS

  • Google Android
  • Google Play
  • CyanogenMod售後自行改裝的Android系統。
  • Replicant完全符合自由軟體精神的Android系統。
  • F-Droid logoF-Droid自由與開放原碼的 Android 應用程式。
CyanogenMod licensing: “CyanogenMod does still include various hardware-specific code, which is also slowly being open-sourced anyway.” —WikipediaF-Droid is a free alternative to the Google Play app store.


  • Apple iOS
  • iOS is unsecureiOS 裝置會被追蹤。
iOS is insecure, and unfortunately there aren't a lot of free encryption apps available for iOS either. It's also impossible to verify whether an iOS app was compiled from the original source.

Web browser

  • Apple Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Tor Browser Bundle加密且匿名地瀏覽網路。
  • GNUzilla IceCat由 GNU 團隊維護的 Firefox 版本。
  • Mozilla Firefox一個開放原始碼的瀏覽器。
  • OrbotAndroid 上的 Tor 匿名網路代理伺服器。 Android
  • Onion BrowseriOS的安全瀏覽。 $0.99 iOS
Use a combination of Tor Browser and a free web browser of your choice to the surf the web.Try to use Tor Browser as often as possible. Browsing is slower with Tor, but far more secure.Note: Mozilla Firefox is technically not completely free software, as Mozilla recommends non-free add-ons on their website.

Web browser add-ons

  • Cryptocat私有的加密線上對話。
  • Adblock EdgeBlock advertisements on the web.
  • DisconnectStop third-party sites from tracking you.
  • HTTPS Everywhere在支援的網站中,強制使用 HTTPS 的方式進行加密瀏覽。
  • Mailvelope讓網頁郵件透過 OpenPGP 加密。
  • NoScriptOnly enable JavaScript, Java, and Flash for sites you trust.
  • WebPG在瀏覽器中支援 GnuPG/PGP 加密。
Safeguard your privacy and stop websites from tracking you by installing Adblock Edge, Disconnect, HTTPS Everywhere, and NoScript in your browser.Why not Adblock Plus? Adblock Plus shows “acceptable ads” by default, and uses more memory than Adblock Edge.Why not Ghostery? Ghostery is a proprietary plugin. UseDisconnect instead.

Web search

  • Google Search
  • Microsoft Bing
  • Yahoo! Search
  • Startpage秘密的, 不留記錄的網路搜尋。
  • DuckDuckGo匿名, 不留記錄的網路搜尋。
  • Seeks Project開放的, 分散式的協同搜尋平台。
  • YaCy分散式的搜尋平台。
Startpage is proprietary, hosted in the USA/Netherlands, and provides you with anonymized Google search results (including images).DuckDuckGo is partly proprietary, hosted in the USA, and provides you with anonymized Bing search results.Pick your poison.

Email services

  • Google Gmail
  • Microsoft Outlook.com
  • Yahoo! Mail
  • Autistici/InventatiA full range of free, privacy-aware services. approval-required
  • Bitmessage加密、分散式的郵件伺服器。 beta
  • Riseup提供安全及私密的郵件帳號服務。 邀請制
Riseup is hosted in the USA, in case that matters.Why not Hushmail? See “compromises to email privacy”.

Email desktop clients

  • Apple Mail
  • Microsoft Office Outlook
  • Novell Groupwise
  • Mozilla Thunderbird開放原始碼的郵件程式。
  • Claws Mail輕量級郵件程式。支援 GnuPG 加密。
  • Evolution自由的郵件與行事曆程式。
  • Icedove完全自由版本的 Mozilla Thunderbird。
  • KMailKDE 桌面裡的郵件程式。支援 GPG 加密。
Note: Mozilla Thunderbird is technically not completely free software, as Mozilla recommends non-free add-ons on their website.

Email encryption

  • EnigmailThunderbird 和 Icedove 的 OpenPGP 外掛。
  • GNU Privacy Guard - GPG自由的 OpenPGP 工具。
“Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a data encryption and decryption computer program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. PGP is often used for signing, encrypting and decrypting texts, e-mails, files, directories and whole disk partitions to increase the security of e-mail communications.” Wikipedia

Social networking

  • Google+
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • RetroShare自由、安全的 P2P 通訊平台。
  • buddycloudOpen source, federated social network. XMPP/Jabber
  • Diaspora*由社群經營、散布的社群網路。
  • Friendica開放源碼的自由社群網路伺服器。
  • GNU Social自架的去中心化社群網路。
  • Lorea分散式的聯合社群節點。
  • Movim私有、去中心化的社群網路伺服器。 XMPP/Jabber
  • pump.io自架社群串流伺服器。
  • Salut à Toi多種前端的多功能通訊工具。 XMPP/Jabber
  • Tent自由、自主的社群網路協定。

Instant messaging

  • AOL Instant Messenger
  • Google Talk
  • OS X Messages
  • Yahoo! Messenger
  • Pidgin開放源碼聊天程式。 XMPP/Jabber OTR
  • Off-the-Record Messaging - OTR安裝並開啟 Pidgin 的加密聊天功能。 OTR
  • AdiumOS X 上的 Pidgin(記得開啟 OTR 功能)。 XMPP/Jabber OTR
  • Gibberbot私密且安全的 Android 通訊軟體(使用 OTR 協定)。 Android
  • SurespotFree, open-source, end-to-end encrypted messaging. Android
  • TextSecureAndroid 上的加密簡訊。 Android 大部分為自由軟體*
  • XabberOTR-encrypted instant messaging for Android. Android XMPP/Jabber
  • ChatSecure給iOS用的加密即時通訊軟體。 iOS
Be sure to look at Cryptocat in the Web browser add-ons section as well.

Video conferencing & VoIP

  • FaceTime
  • Google+ Hangouts
  • Google Talk
  • Skype
  • Jitsi加密的文字以及視訊聊天。 XMPP/Jabber SIP
  • Linphone加密的影音軟體。 SIP
  • Mumble加密並且低延遲的語音通訊。
  • CSIPSimple自由, 加密的 Android VoIP 軟體。 Android SIP
  • RedPhoneAndroid 上的防竊聽電話軟體。 Android 大部分為自由軟體*
Jitsi is a drop-in, encrypted replacement for almost all the tasks Skype is used for.Mumble an open source voice chat client in the style of Ventrilo and TeamSpeak.WebRTC is an upcoming, promising browser to browser communications API.

Online transactions

  • PayPal
  • Google Wallet
  • Bitcoin無中央控管機制的 P2P 數位貨幣。
  • 另一個加密貨幣選擇。其他加密數位貨幣清單。 beta
The Bitcoin blockchain is a decentralized, public ledger of all transactions in the Bitcoin network.“It may be the TCP/IP of money.” —Paul Buchheit

Media publishing

  • Flickr
  • Instagram
  • Picasa
  • Tumblr
  • YouTube
  • WordPress開放原始碼的網站、部落格內容管理系統。
  • GNU MediaGoblin去中心化的媒體發佈平台。
  • Piwigo開放也免費的相片平台。
  • Zenphoto開放且免費的媒體網站 CMS。
Self-hosted is important. Hosting your blog on Wordpress.com is no better for your data security than Blogger or Tumblr.

Document collaboration

  • Google Docs
  • Microsoft Office Web Apps
  • Zoho Office Suite
  • Etherpad開放源碼、即時協作文書軟體。
  • Ethercalc多人試算表伺服器。


  • Apple Maps
  • Google Maps
  • OpenStreetMap可共同編修的自由世界地圖。

Cloud storage

  • Apple iCloud
  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • Microsoft SkyDrive
  • git-annex assistant在多台電腦間同步檔案。
  • ownCloud由你做主的雲端資料空間。
  • SeafileSelf or cloud hosted version control and file sync.
  • Sparkleshare自己架的檔案同步與版本控制系統。
  • Tahoe-LAFS自由開放的雲端儲存空間。
Why not MEGA? While MEGA is free as in beer, the software is proprietary code.Why not SpiderOak? SpiderOak is proprietary software.Why not Tarsnap? Tarsnap is partially proprietary and hosts your data on Amazon Web Services.

Web analytics

  • Google Analytics
  • Piwik開放原始碼、可自行架設的網站分析工具。
Piwik analytics powers this site. It's set up to anonymize the last octet (255.255.255.???) of visitor IPs. Check out the live data here: prism-break.org/analytics.

DNS provider

  • Google Public DNS
  • OpenNIC Project完全保持中立的 DNS 服務供應者 (避免任何機關干預任何站台的域名設定)。
  • Namecoin基于 Bitcoin 技術的分散式 DNS 服務。
Google Public DNS permanently logs your ISP and location information for analysis. Your IP address is also stored for 24 hours.


  • I2P隱形網際網路計畫。
  • Freenet去中心化、防審查網路。
  • NightwebAndroid 版匿名 I2P 網路。
  • Syndie分散化匿名討論區軟體。
“A darknet is an anonymizing network where connections are made only between trusted peers.Darknets are distinct from other distributed P2P networks as sharing is anonymous, and therefore users can communicate with little fear of governmental or corporate interference.“—Wikipedia


转自 http://prism-break.org/#zh_TW
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