洋葱码农 - 云代码空间
—— 一直在改,从未有变
/* twordcount1.c - threaded word counter for two files. Version 1 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <ctype.h> int total_words ; main(int ac, char *av[]) { pthread_t t1, t2; /* two threads */ void *count_words(void *); if ( ac != 3 ){ printf("usage: %s file1 file2\n", av[0]); exit(1); } total_words = 0; pthread_create(&t1, NULL, count_words, (void *) av[1]); pthread_create(&t2, NULL, count_words, (void *) av[2]); pthread_join(t1, NULL); pthread_join(t2, NULL); printf("%5d: total words\n", total_words); } void *count_words(void *f) { char *filename = (char *) f; FILE *fp; int c, prevc = '\0'; if ( (fp = fopen(filename, "r")) != NULL ){ while( ( c = getc(fp)) != EOF ){ if ( !isalnum(c) && isalnum(prevc) ) total_words++; prevc = c; } fclose(fp); } else perror(filename); return NULL; }
/* twordcount2.c - threaded word counter for two files. */ /* version 2: uses mutex to lock counter */ #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <ctype.h> int total_words ; /* the counter and its lock */ pthread_mutex_t counter_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; main(int ac, char *av[]) { pthread_t t1, t2; /* two threads */ void *count_words(void *); if ( ac != 3 ){ printf("usage: %s file1 file2\n", av[0]); exit(1); } total_words = 0; pthread_create(&t1, NULL, count_words, (void *) av[1]); pthread_create(&t2, NULL, count_words, (void *) av[2]); pthread_join(t1, NULL); pthread_join(t2, NULL); printf("%5d: total words\n", total_words); } void *count_words(void *f) { char *filename = (char *) f; FILE *fp; int c, prevc = '\0'; if ( (fp = fopen(filename, "r")) != NULL ){ while( ( c = getc(fp)) != EOF ){ if ( !isalnum(c) && isalnum(prevc) ){ pthread_mutex_lock(&counter_lock); total_words++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&counter_lock); } prevc = c; } fclose(fp); } else perror(filename); return NULL; }
/* twordcount3.c - threaded word counter for two files. * - Version 3: one counter per file */ #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <ctype.h> struct arg_set { /* two values in one arg */ char *fname; /* file to examine */ int count; /* number of words */ }; main(int ac, char *av[]) { pthread_t t1, t2; /* two threads */ struct arg_set args1, args2; /* two argsets */ void *count_words(void *); if ( ac != 3 ){ printf("usage: %s file1 file2\n", av[0]); exit(1); } args1.fname = av[1]; args1.count = 0; pthread_create(&t1, NULL, count_words, (void *) &args1); args2.fname = av[2]; args2.count = 0; pthread_create(&t2, NULL, count_words, (void *) &args2); pthread_join(t1, NULL); pthread_join(t2, NULL); printf("%5d: %s\n", args1.count, av[1]); printf("%5d: %s\n", args2.count, av[2]); printf("%5d: total words\n", args1.count+args2.count); } void *count_words(void *a) { struct arg_set *args = a; /* cast arg back to correct type */ FILE *fp; int c, prevc = '\0'; if ( (fp = fopen(args->fname, "r")) != NULL ){ while( ( c = getc(fp)) != EOF ){ if ( !isalnum(c) && isalnum(prevc) ) args->count++; prevc = c; } fclose(fp); } else perror(args->fname); return NULL; }