







云代码会员    -  云代码空间





import os import math,copy,random,time from collections import Counter import numpy as np def hello_world(): yourname = input('你好,请输入你的名字:') print('让我们开始学习吧~') def hello_twice(): global yourname,yourheight,yourweight yourname = input('请输入你的名字:') yourheight = input('请输入你的身高:') yourweight = input('请输入你的体重:') #python中字符串的部分操作 def deviding_line(): word1 = 'i am line' word2 = word1.upper() word3 = word1.lower() word4 = word1.title() #以上三个函数仅为字符串的部分函数 words = [word1,word2,word3,word4] line = '-' * 40 endReturn = line+words[random.randint(0,3)]+line return endReturn #学习python中的数字模型 def study_number(): num1 = input('请输入一个数字:') print('你输入的是数字%s'%num1,'可它的类型为:',type(num1)) num2 = int(input('再输入一个数字:')) print('你输入的是数字%s' % num2, '它的类型为:', type(num2)) num3 = float(input('再输入一个数字:')) print('你输入的是数字%s' % num3, '它的类型为:', type(num3)) print('num1+num2={}'.format(int(num1)+num2)) print('num1-num2={}'.format(int(num1)-num2)) print('num1*num2={}'.format(num1*num2)) print('num1*num2={}'.format(int(num1) * num2)) print('num2//num3={:.3f}'.format(num2//num3)) print('num2/num3={:.4f}'.format(num2/num3)) print('num2%num3={:.4f}'.format(num2 % num3)) print('num2%num3={:.4%}'.format(num2%num3)) print('num1**num2={}'.format(int(num1)**num2)) print('This is the {a},and {b}'.format(a='numbers',b='some operations')) one,two,three = True,True,False print(one,two,three) print('and运算符:',one and two,one and three) print('or运算符:',one or two,one or three) print('not运算符:',not one,not two,not three) def study_list(length): l1 = [1,2,3,4,5,9.0] l2 = list(range(10,10+length)) print('l1的类型为:',type(l1)) print(l1[1],l2[1]) l3 = l2 print(id(l1),id(l2),id(l3)) l3[0]=99 print('l2==l3么?',l2==l3) l4 = l2.copy() l4[0]=999 print('l4==l2么?',l4==l2) print('删除前',l4) del l4[0] print('删除后',l4) l4.append(30) l4.extend(l1) print('添加l1后:',l4) l4.reverse() print('反转后:',l4) l4.sort() print('排序后:',l4) #学习python中的元组模型 def study_tuple(length:int)->bool: tuple1 = (1,2,3,4) tuple2 = tuple(range(10,10+length)) print(tuple1.count(1)) print(tuple1.index(1)) try: tuple1[0] = 9 except TypeError: print('元组插入失败') finally: print('不管插入成不成功我都会执行') try: print(id(tuple1),id(tuple2)) except: return False else: tuple3 = tuple1+tuple2 print(tuple3,id(tuple3)) return True def study_dict(): #学习python中的字典模型,字典是 键->值 的映射 dict1 = {1:'一',2:'二',3:'三',4:'四'} dict2 = dict(one=1,two=2,three=3) dict3 = dict(zip([6,7,8,9],['Six','Seven','Eight','Nine'])) dict4 = dict([('One',1),('Two',2),('Three',3)]) dict5 = dict({1:'一',2:'二',3:'三',4:'四'}) print(type(dict1),dict1==dict5) print(dict1[1],dict2['one'],dict3[6],dict4['One'],dict5[1]) print(dict1.get(4)) dict1[1] = '壹' dict1[5] = '五' print(dict1) print(1 in dict1, 6 in dict1, 7 not in dict1) dict6 = dict1.copy() dict6[1] = 'One' print(dict1,'',dict6) dict1.clear() print(dict1) del dict1,dict2,dict3,dict4,dict5,dict6 def study_set(): #python中集合的学习,集合中不存在相等的值 set1 = set(['You','Are','Not','Beautiful']) set2 = {'You','Are','So','Beautiful'} set3 = set2.copy() print(type(set1)) print(set1,set2) print(set1|set2) print(set1&set2) print(set1^set2) print(set1-set2) print(set1<=set2,set3<=set2,set3',list2) print(deviding_line()) list3 = [['_'] * 3 for i in range(3)] print(list3) fruits = ['Apple','Banana','Pear'] colors = ['Red','Yellow','Green'] suitcolor = [(color,fruit) for color,fruit in zip(colors,fruits)] print(suitcolor) cartesian = [(color,fruit) for color in colors for fruit in fruits] print(cartesian) dict1 = {fruit:color for fruit,color in suitcolor} print(dict1) def study_files(): filepath = input('请输入你的文件路径(输入quit退出):') if filepath=='quit': return True try: file = open(filepath,'w') file.write('哈哈,现在开始写文件') file.close() file = open(filepath,'r') print('从文件中读出的内容:\n',file.read()) except FileNotFoundError: print('文件未找见请重新输入') study_files() except: print('出现错误,请重新输入路径') study_files() class Users(): def __init__(self,name,height,weight): self.name = name self.height = height self.weight = weight self.yanzhi = 100 def display(self): print('大家好,我是{},身高{},体重{},颜值超高{}'.format(self.name,self.height,self.weight,self.yanzhi)) if __name__=="__main__": hello_world() deviding_line() try: print(yourname) except: print(' 未能找见该变量 ') deviding_line() hello_twice() user = Users(yourname,yourheight,yourweight) user.display() chooseinformation = '''Input the number of the function you want to Run(quit is exit): 1、study_number 2、study_list 3、study_tuple 4、study_dict 5、study_set 6、study_Some_functions 7、study_Slice 8、study_loop_select 9、study_expression_deduction 10、study_files ''' deviding_line() while True: input('按键继续') print(chooseinformation) num = input('输入序号:') if num=='quit': break elif num=='1': study_number() elif num=='2': study_list(10) elif num=='3': study_tuple(10) elif num=='4': study_dict() elif num=='5': study_set() elif num=='6': study_Some_functions() elif num=='7': study_Slice() elif num=='8': study_loop_select() elif num=='9': study_expression_deduction() elif num=='10': study_files() deviding_line() print('哈哈,恭喜你,这个程序结束咯~')
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    • 昵称: 云代码会员
    • 等级: 初级程序员
    • 积分: 60
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