// std::transform 一元、二元函数
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
int main() {
using namespace std;
string strSample("THIS is a TEst string!");
cout << "The sample string is: " << strSample << endl;
string strLowerCaseCopy;
transform(strSample.begin() // start of source range
, strSample.end() // end of source range
, strLowerCaseCopy.begin() // start of destination range
, tolower); // unary function
cout << "Result of 'transform' on the string with 'tolower':" << endl;
cout << "\"" << strLowerCaseCopy << "\"" << endl << endl;
// Two sample vectors of integers...
vector<int> vecIntegers1, vecIntegers2;
for (int nNum = 0; nNum < 10; ++nNum) {
vecIntegers2.push_back(10 - nNum);
// A destination range for holding the result of addition
deque<int> dqResultAddition(vecIntegers1.size());
transform(vecIntegers1.begin() // start of source range 1
, vecIntegers1.end() // end of source range 1
, vecIntegers2.begin() // start of source range 2
, dqResultAddition.begin() // start of destination range
, plus<int>()); // binary function
cout << "Result of 'transform' using binary function 'plus': " << endl;
cout << endl << "Index Vector1 + Vector2 = Result (in Deque)" << endl;
for (size_t nIndex = 0; nIndex < vecIntegers1.size(); ++nIndex) {
cout << nIndex << " \t " << vecIntegers1[nIndex] << "\t+ ";
cout << vecIntegers2[nIndex] << " \t = ";
cout << dqResultAddition[nIndex] << endl;
return 0;