






云代码 - c++代码库


2013-03-10 作者: 海大软件1102班举报


 *   Copyright (C) 2010 by lwp                                             *
 *   levin108@gmail.com                                                    *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
#include "fx_include.h"
#include <gst/gst.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <glib.h>
fd_set  fd_read;
gint presence_count = 0;
gint window_pos_x;
gint window_pos_y;
gint window_pos_x_old = 0;
gint window_pos_y_old = 0;
gint start_popup_presence = 0;
extern struct unacked_list *unackedlist;
GStaticMutex mutex = G_STATIC_MUTEX_INIT;
GdkScreen *current_screen;
static void fx_main_process_pggetgroupinfo(FxMain *fxmain , const gchar *sipmsg);
static void fx_main_process_pgpresencechanged(FxMain *fxmain , const gchar *sipmsg);
static gboolean key_press_func(GtkWidget *widget , GdkEventKey *event
                               , gpointer data);
FxMain *fx_main_new() {
    FxMain *fxmain = (FxMain *)malloc(sizeof(FxMain));
    memset(fxmain , 0 , sizeof(FxMain));
    fxmain->clist = fx_list_new(NULL);
    fxmain->mlist = fx_list_new(NULL);
    fxmain->slist = fx_list_new(NULL);
    fxmain->tlist = fx_list_new(NULL);
    fxmain->shlist = fx_list_new(NULL);
    fxmain->pglist = fx_list_new(NULL);
    return fxmain;
#if 0
static void fx_main_position_func(GtkWidget *UNUSED(widget) , GdkEventConfigure *event ,
                                  gpointer UNUSED(user_data)) {
    window_pos_x = event->x;
    window_pos_y = event->y;
void fx_main_initialize(FxMain *fxmain) {
    int window_width , window_height;
    Config    *config;
    fxmain->window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
    gtk_widget_set_name(fxmain->window , "mainwindow");
    gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(fxmain->window) , "OpenFetion");
    current_screen = gdk_screen_get_default();
    config = fetion_config_new();
    if(config->window_width == 0) {
        window_width = gdk_screen_get_width(current_screen);
        window_height = gdk_screen_get_height(current_screen);
        window_pos_x = window_width - WINDOW_WIDTH - 200;
        window_pos_y = (window_height - WINDOW_HEIGHT) / 2;
    } else {
        window_pos_x = config->window_pos_x;
        window_pos_y = config->window_pos_y;
    gtk_window_move(GTK_WINDOW(fxmain->window) , window_pos_x , window_pos_y);
    gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(fxmain->window) , 0);
                     , "delete-event"
                     , G_CALLBACK(fx_main_delete)
                     , fxmain);
                     , "key-press-event"
                     , G_CALLBACK(key_press_func)
                     , fxmain);
                     , "destroy"
                     , G_CALLBACK(fx_main_destroy)
                     , fxmain);
                     , "window-state-event"
                     , G_CALLBACK(fx_main_window_state_func)
                     , fxmain);
#if 0
                     , "configure-event"
                     , G_CALLBACK(fx_main_position_func)
                     , NULL);
    GdkPixbuf *icon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(
                          SKIN_DIR"fetion.svg" , 48 , 48 , NULL);
    gtk_window_set_icon(GTK_WINDOW(fxmain->window) , icon);
    fxmain->trayIcon = gtk_status_icon_new_from_file(
    gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip(fxmain->trayIcon, "OpenFetion");
    fxmain->notify = notify_notification_new_with_status_icon("welcome"
                     , "" , NULL , fxmain->trayIcon);
    notify_notification_set_timeout(fxmain->notify , 2500);
    fxmain->iconConnectId = g_signal_connect(
    fxmain->mainbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE , 4);
    gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(fxmain->window) , fxmain->mainbox);
    fxmain->loginPanel = fx_login_new();
void fx_main_free(FxMain *fxmain) {
    if(fxmain->user != NULL)
void fx_main_set_user(FxMain *fxmain , User *user) {
    fxmain->user = user;
void fx_main_history_init(FxMain *fxmain) {
    fxmain->history = fetion_history_new(fxmain->user);
void update() {
    while(gtk_events_pending()) {
TimeOutArgs *timeout_args_new(FxMain *fxmain , FetionSip *sip , const gchar *sipuri) {
    TimeOutArgs *args = (TimeOutArgs *)malloc(sizeof(TimeOutArgs));
    memset(args , 0 , sizeof(TimeOutArgs));
    args->fxmain = fxmain;
    args->sip = sip;
    args->terminated = FALSE;
    strcpy(args->sipuri , sipuri);
    return args;
GtkWidget *fx_main_create_menu(const gchar *name
                               , const gchar *iconpath
                               , GtkWidget *parent
                               , void (*func)(GtkWidget *item , gpointer data)
                               , gpointer data
                              ) {
    GtkWidget *item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label(name);
    GdkPixbuf *pb = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(iconpath , 16 , 16 , NULL);
    GtkWidget *img = gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(pb);
    gtk_image_menu_item_set_image(GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM(item) , img);
    gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(parent) , item);
    if(func != NULL)
        g_signal_connect(item , "activate" , G_CALLBACK(func) , data);
    return item;
GtkWidget *fx_main_create_menu1(const gchar *name
                                , const gchar *stockid
                                , GtkWidget *parent
                                , void (*func)(GtkWidget *item , gpointer data)
                                , gpointer data
                               ) {
    GtkWidget *item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label(name);
#if 0
    GtkWidget *img = gtk_image_new_from_stock(stockid , GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU);
    gtk_image_menu_item_set_image(GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM(item) , img);
    gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(parent) , item);
    if(func != NULL)
        g_signal_connect(item , "activate" , G_CALLBACK(func) , data);
    return item;
void fx_main_process_notification(FxMain *fxmain , const gchar *sipmsg) {
    gint   event;
    gint   notification_type;
    gchar  *xml;
    fetion_sip_parse_notification(sipmsg , &notification_type , &event , &xml);
    switch(notification_type) {
        switch(event) {
            fx_main_process_presence(fxmain , xml);
        if(event == NOTIFICATION_EVENT_USERLEFT) {
            fx_main_process_user_left(fxmain , sipmsg);
            fx_main_process_syncuserinfo(fxmain , xml);
            fx_main_process_addbuddyapplication(fxmain , sipmsg);
            fx_main_process_pggetgroupinfo(fxmain , sipmsg);
            fx_main_process_pgpresencechanged(fxmain , sipmsg);
static void *update_data(void *data) {
    FxMain *fxmain = (FxMain *)data;
    User   *user = fxmain->user;
    return NULL;
static void popup_online_notify(FxMain *fxmain, Contact *contact) {
    gchar         notifySummary[256];
    gchar         notifyText[1024];
    gchar         iconPath[256];
    GdkPixbuf    *pixbuf;
    Config       *config;
    config = fxmain->user->config;
    if(start_popup_presence &&
            presence_count > fxmain->user->contactCount &&
            config->onlineNotify == ONLINE_NOTIFY_ENABLE) {
        sprintf(iconPath , "%s/%s.jpg",
                config->iconPath , contact->sId);
                _("%s , now ONLINE") , contact->nickname);
        sprintf(notifyText ,
                _("Phone Number: %s\n"
                  "Fetion Number: %s\n"
                  "Signature: %s")
                , contact->mobileno == NULL ||
                strlen(contact->mobileno) == 0 ?
                "未知" : contact->mobileno
                , contact->sId
                , contact->impression );
        pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(
                     NOTIFY_IMAGE_SIZE , NULL);
            pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(
                         NOTIFY_IMAGE_SIZE , NULL);
        notify_notification_update(fxmain->notify , notifySummary
                                   , notifyText , NULL);
        notify_notification_set_icon_from_pixbuf(fxmain->notify , pixbuf);
        notify_notification_show(fxmain->notify , NULL);
void fx_main_process_presence(FxMain *fxmain , const gchar *xml) {
    gchar        *crc = NULL;
    gchar        *name;
    gint          oldstate , count;
    Contact      *contactlist;
    Contact      *contact;
    User         *user = fxmain->user;
    GtkWidget    *treeView = fxmain->mainPanel->treeView;
    GtkTreeModel *model;
    FxChat       *fxchat;
    GtkTreeIter   iter;
    GtkTreeIter   parentIter;
    contactlist = fetion_user_parse_presence_body(xml , user);
    contact = contactlist;
    model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(treeView));
    foreach_contactlist(contactlist , contact) {
        if(fx_tree_get_buddy_iter_by_userid(model , contact->userId , &iter) == -1)
        presence_count ++;
        /* all presence information has been pushed
         * then start update local data and buddy portrait */
        if(presence_count == user->contactCount)
            g_thread_create(update_data, fxmain, FALSE, NULL);
        gtk_tree_model_get(model , &iter
                           , B_CRC_COL    , &crc
                           , B_STATE_COL  , &oldstate
                           , -1);
        fxchat = fx_list_find_chat_by_sipuri(fxmain->clist , contact->sipuri);
        if(oldstate > 0 && contact->state <= 0 && contact->serviceStatus == STATUS_NORMAL) {
            gtk_tree_model_iter_parent(model , &parentIter , &iter);
            gtk_tree_model_get(model , &parentIter
                               , G_ONLINE_COUNT_COL , &count
                               , -1);
            count --;
            gtk_tree_store_set(GTK_TREE_STORE(model) , &parentIter
                               , G_ONLINE_COUNT_COL , count
                               , -1);
            fx_tree_move_to_the_last(model , &iter);
        if(oldstate <= 0 && contact->state > 0 && contact->serviceStatus == STATUS_NORMAL) {
            gtk_tree_model_iter_parent(model , &parentIter , &iter);
            gtk_tree_model_get(model , &parentIter
                               , G_ONLINE_COUNT_COL , &count
                               , -1);
            count ++;
            gtk_tree_store_set(GTK_TREE_STORE(model) , &parentIter
                               , G_ONLINE_COUNT_COL , count
                               , -1);
            fx_tree_move_to_the_last(model , &iter);
            fx_tree_move_to_the_first(model , &iter);
            popup_online_notify(fxmain, contact);
            fxchat->state = contact->state;
        name = (contact->nickname == NULL || strlen(contact->localname) == 0) ?
               contact->nickname : contact->localname;
        gtk_tree_store_set(GTK_TREE_STORE(model) , &iter
                           , B_NAME_COL            , g_markup_escape_text(name, -1)
                           , B_SIPURI_COL            , contact->sipuri
                           , B_IMPRESSION_COL        , g_markup_escape_text(contact->impression, -1)
                           , B_PHONENUM_COL      , contact->mobileno
                           , B_USERID_COL            , contact->userId
                           , B_STATE_COL             , contact->state
                           , B_IDENTITY_COL      , contact->identity
                           , B_DEVICE_COL            , contact->devicetype
                           , B_RELATIONSTATUS_COL  , contact->relationStatus
                           , B_SERVICESTATUS_COL     , contact->serviceStatus
                           , B_CARRIERSTATUS_COL   , contact->carrierStatus
                           , B_CARRIER_COL       , contact->carrier
                           , B_CRC_COL           , contact->portraitCrc
                           , B_IMAGE_CHANGED_COL     , crc == NULL ? IMAGE_CHANGED :
                           (strcmp(crc , contact->portraitCrc) == 0 ? IMAGE_NOT_CHANGED : IMAGE_CHANGED)
                           , -1);
static void process_system_message(const char *sipmsg) {
    gint     showonce;
    gint     type;
    gchar    *msg;
    gchar    *url;
    FxSysmsg *sysmsg;
    fetion_sip_parse_sysmsg(sipmsg , &type , &showonce
                            , &msg , &url);
    if(type == 0) {
        sysmsg = fx_sysmsg_new();
        fx_sysmsg_bind(sysmsg , msg , url);
static void process_group_message(FxMain *fxmain , Message *message) {
    FxPGGroup     *fxpgcur;
    FxPGGroup     *fxpg;
    PGGroupMember *memcur;
    FxList        *pglist;
    FxList        *cur;
    User          *user;
    Config        *config;
    GdkPixbuf     *pixbuf;
    gchar         path[1024];
    gchar         *sid;
    user = fxmain->user;
    config = user->config;
    pglist = fxmain->pglist;
    foreach_list(pglist , cur) {
        fxpgcur = (FxPGGroup *)(cur->data);
                  message->pguri) == 0) {
            fxpg = fxpgcur;
    if(fxpg == NULL || fxpg->hasFocus == CHAT_DIALOG_NOT_FOCUSED ) {
        if(fxpg == NULL) {
            if(config->autoPopup == AUTO_POPUP_ENABLE) {
                fxpg = pg_create_window(fxmain , message->pguri);
                foreach_pg_member(fxpg->pggroup->member , memcur) {
                    if(strcmp(memcur->sipuri , message->sipuri) == 0)
                        pg_add_message(fxpg , message->message
                                       , &(message->sendtime) , memcur);
            } else {
                cur = fx_list_new(message);
                fx_list_append(fxmain->mlist , cur);
        } else {
            foreach_pg_member(fxpg->pggroup->member , memcur) {
                if(strcmp(memcur->sipuri , message->sipuri) == 0)
                    pg_add_message(fxpg , message->message , &(message->sendtime) , memcur);
        sid = fetion_sip_get_pgid_by_sipuri(message->pguri);
        snprintf(path , sizeof(path) - 1 , "%s/PG%s.jpg" , config->iconPath , sid);
        pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(path , NULL);
        if(pixbuf == NULL)
            pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(SKIN_DIR"online.svg" , NULL);
        gtk_status_icon_set_from_pixbuf(GTK_STATUS_ICON(fxmain->trayIcon) , pixbuf);
        gtk_status_icon_set_blinking(GTK_STATUS_ICON(fxmain->trayIcon) , TRUE);
        g_signal_handler_disconnect(fxmain->trayIcon , fxmain->iconConnectId);
        fxmain->iconConnectId = g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(fxmain->trayIcon)
                                , "activate"
                                , GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(fx_main_message_func)
                                , fxmain);
    } else {
        foreach_pg_member(fxpg->pggroup->member , memcur) {
            if(strcmp(memcur->sipuri , message->sipuri) == 0)
                pg_add_message(fxpg , message->message , &(message->sendtime) , memcur);
    if(config->isMute == MUTE_DISABLE)
static void popup_msg_notify(FxMain *fxmain, Contact *senderContact, Message *msg) {
    Config    *config = fxmain->user->config;
    GdkPixbuf *notifyIcon;
    gchar     *senderSid;
    gchar      iconPath[256];
    gchar      notifySum[256];
    if(config->msgAlert == MSG_ALERT_ENABLE) {
        if(senderContact) {
            sprintf(iconPath, "%s/%s.jpg",
                    config->iconPath, senderContact->sId);
            senderSid = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(msg->sipuri);
            sprintf(notifySum, _("%s(%s) said:"),
                    senderContact->nickname , senderContact->sId);
            notifyIcon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(
                             iconPath , 48 , 48 , NULL);
                                       notifySum, msg->message , NULL);
                notifyIcon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(
                                 SKIN_DIR"fetion.svg", 48, 48, NULL);
                fxmain->notify , notifyIcon);
            notify_notification_show(fxmain->notify , NULL);
void fx_main_process_message(FxMain *fxmain , FetionSip *sip , const gchar *sipmsg) {
    Message   *msg;
    FxList    *clist;
    FxList    *mitem;
    FxChat    *fxchat;
    User      *user;
    Config    *config;
    gchar      path[256];
    gchar     *sid;
    GdkPixbuf *pb;
    Contact *senderContact;
    clist = fxmain->clist;
    user = fxmain->user;
    config = user->config;
    fetion_sip_parse_message(sip , sipmsg , &msg);
    /* group message */
    if(msg->pguri) {
        process_group_message(fxmain , msg);
    fxchat = fx_list_find_chat_by_sipuri(clist , msg->sipuri);
    sid = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(msg->sipuri);
    senderContact = fetion_contact_list_find_by_sipuri(
                        user->contactList , msg->sipuri);
    /* system message */
    if(strlen(sid) < 5 || strcmp(sid , "10000") == 0) {
        if(config->closeSysMsg == CLOSE_SYSMSG_ENABLE)
        fx_main_add_history(fxmain, senderContact->nickname,
                            senderContact->userId, msg->message, 0);
    if(!fxchat || fxchat->hasFocus == CHAT_DIALOG_NOT_FOCUSED) {
        /* chat window does not exist */
        if(!fxchat) {
            /* auto popup enabled */
            if(config->autoPopup == AUTO_POPUP_ENABLE) {
                fxchat = fx_main_create_chat_window(fxmain , msg->sipuri);
                if(!fxchat) {
                fx_chat_add_message(fxchat , msg->message,
                                    &(msg->sendtime) , 0 , msg->sysback);
            } else {
                /* chat window doesn`t exist and auto-pupup wasn`t enabled
                 * just push message into message queue,wait for user action */
                mitem = fx_list_new(msg);
                fx_list_append(fxmain->mlist , mitem );
                popup_msg_notify(fxmain, senderContact, msg);
            /* chat window exist,but not focused */
        } else {
            fx_chat_add_message(fxchat , msg->message,
                                &(msg->sendtime) , 0 , msg->sysback);
            fxchat->unreadMsgCount ++;
        sprintf(path , "%s/%s.jpg" , config->iconPath , sid);
        pb = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(path , NULL);
            pb = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(SKIN_DIR"online.svg" , NULL);
        gtk_status_icon_set_from_pixbuf(GTK_STATUS_ICON(fxmain->trayIcon) , pb);
        gtk_status_icon_set_blinking(GTK_STATUS_ICON(fxmain->trayIcon) , TRUE);
        g_signal_handler_disconnect(fxmain->trayIcon , fxmain->iconConnectId);
        fxmain->iconConnectId = g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(fxmain->trayIcon)
                                , "activate"
                                , GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(fx_main_message_func)
                                , fxmain);
        /* no message was pushed into the message queue,just free it */
        if(fxchat && fxchat->hasFocus == CHAT_DIALOG_NOT_FOCUSED)
    } else {
        fx_chat_add_message(fxchat , msg->message,
                            &(msg->sendtime) , 0, msg->sysback);
        /* message was showed in the chat dialog directly,just free it */
    if(config->isMute == MUTE_DISABLE)
void fx_main_process_user_left(FxMain *fxmain , const gchar *msg) {
    gchar         *sipuri;
    FxList       *clist;
    FxChat       *fxchat;
    Conversation *conv;
    clist = fxmain->clist;
    fetion_sip_parse_userleft(msg , &sipuri);
    /* remove sip struct from stack  */
    fx_list_remove_sip_by_sipuri(fxmain->slist , sipuri);
    /* if fxchat exist , set current sip struct to NULL ,
     * and exit thread, orelse just exit current thread  */
    fxchat = fx_list_find_chat_by_sipuri(clist , sipuri);
    if(!fxchat) {
        debug_info("User %s left conversation" , sipuri);
        debug_info("Thread exit");
    conv = fxchat->conv;
    conv->currentSip = NULL;
    debug_info("User %s left conversation" , sipuri);
    debug_info("Thread exit");
FxChat *fx_main_create_chat_window(FxMain *fxmain , const gchar *sipuri) {
    Conversation *conv;
    FxChat       *fxchat;
    FxList       *citem;
    Contact      *contact;
    gchar        *sid;
    if((fxchat = fx_list_find_chat_by_sipuri(fxmain->clist , sipuri)) != NULL)
        return fxchat;
    conv = fetion_conversation_new(fxmain->user , sipuri , NULL);
    /* this buddy is not in the friend list*/
    if(!conv) {
        sid = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(sipuri);
        if(strlen(sid) < 8 || strcmp(sid , "10000") == 0) {
            return NULL;
        contact = fetion_contact_get_contact_info_by_no(fxmain->user , sid , FETION_NO);
            return NULL;
        /* replace the sipuri*/
        memset(contact->sipuri, 0, sizeof(contact->sipuri));
        strcpy(contact->sipuri , sipuri);
        fetion_contact_list_append(fxmain->user->contactList , contact);
        conv = fetion_conversation_new(fxmain->user , sipuri , NULL);
        return NULL;
    fxchat = fx_chat_new(fxmain , conv);
    citem = fx_list_new(fxchat);
    fx_list_append(fxmain->clist , citem);
    return fxchat;
void fx_main_process_invitation(FxMain *fxmain , const gchar *sipmsg) {
    gchar       *sipuri;
    FetionSip   *osip;
    FetionSip   *sip;
    FxList      *list;
    TimeOutArgs *timeout;
    gchar        event[16];
    ThreadArgs  *args;
    args = (ThreadArgs *)malloc(sizeof(ThreadArgs));
    sip = fxmain->user->sip;
    memset(event, 0, sizeof(event));
    if(fetion_sip_get_attr(sipmsg , "N" , event) != -1)
                                sipmsg , &osip , &sipuri);
    list = fx_list_new(osip);
    fx_list_append(fxmain->slist , list);
    args->fxmain = fxmain;
    args->sip = osip;
    /* create a thread to listen in this channel */
                    args , FALSE , NULL);
    /* start send keep alive message throuth chat chanel
     * and put the timeout information into stack */
    debug_info("Start periodically sending keep alive request");
    timeout = timeout_args_new(fxmain , osip , sipuri);
    list = fx_list_new(timeout);
    fx_list_append(fxmain->tlist , list);
#if 0
static void process_share_action_accept(FxMain *fxmain
                                        , FetionSip *sip , const char *sipmsg , const char *sipuri) {
static void process_share_action_cancel(FxMain *fxmain
                                        , FetionSip *sip , const char *sipmsg , const char *sipuri) {
void fx_main_process_incoming(FxMain *fxmain
                              , FetionSip *sip , const gchar *sipmsg) {
    IncomingType       type;
    IncomingActionType action;
    gchar              *sipuri;
    FxChat             *fxchat;
    fetion_sip_parse_incoming(sip , sipmsg , &sipuri , &type , &action);
    switch(type) {
    case INCOMING_NUDGE : {
        fxchat = fx_main_create_chat_window(fxmain , sipuri);
        fx_chat_add_information(fxchat , _("Receive a window jitter"));
        debug_info("Received a nudge from %s" , sipuri);
        switch(action) {
            //process_share_action_accept(fxmain , sip , sipmsg , sipuri);
            //process_share_action_cancel(fxmain , sip , sipmsg , sipuri);
static void fx_main_process_group(FxMain *fxmain , const gchar *xml) {
    User *user = fxmain->user;
    PGGroup *pgcur;
    user->pggroup = pg_group_parse_list(xml);
    if(user->pggroup == NULL)
    pg_group_get_info(user , user->pggroup);
    foreach_pg_group(user->pggroup , pgcur) {
        pg_group_send_invitation(user , pgcur);
        pg_group_get_group_members(user , pgcur);
void fx_main_process_sipc(FxMain *fxmain , const gchar *sipmsg) {
    int callid;
    int code;
    char *xml = NULL;
    User *user = fxmain->user;
    struct unacked_list *ulist;
    PGGroup *pggroup = user->pggroup;
    PGGroup *pgcur;
    code = fetion_sip_parse_sipc(sipmsg , &callid , &xml);
    /* get group info response */
    if(callid == user->pgGroupCallId) {
        fx_main_process_group(fxmain , xml);
    foreach_unacked_list(unackedlist , ulist) {
        if(callid == ulist->message->callid) {
            unacked_list_remove(unackedlist , ulist);
    if(pggroup != NULL) {
        foreach_pg_group(pggroup , pgcur) {
#if 0
            /* get member contact info response */
            foreach_pg_member(pgcur->member , memcur) {
                if(memcur->getContactInfoCallId == callid) {
                    memcur->contact = pg_group_parse_contact_info(xml);
            /* group invitation response */
            if(pgcur->inviteCallId == callid && code == 200) {
                if(pgcur->hasAcked == 0) {
                    pg_group_send_invite_ack(user , sipmsg);
                    pgcur->hasAcked = 1;
            /* get group member response */
            if(pgcur->getMembersCallId == callid) {
                pg_group_parse_member_list(pggroup , sipmsg);
                pg_group_subscribe(user , pgcur);
void fx_main_process_deregistration(FxMain *fxmain) {
    fx_util_popup_warning(fxmain , _("Your fetion login elsewhere. You are forced quit."));
void fx_main_process_syncuserinfo(FxMain *fxmain , const gchar *xml) {
    Contact      *contact;
    GtkTreeIter   iter;
    GtkTreeIter   cIter;
    gchar         *userid;
    GtkTreeModel *model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(
    contact = fetion_user_parse_syncuserinfo_body(xml , fxmain->user);
    gtk_tree_model_get_iter_root(model , &iter);
    do {
        if(gtk_tree_model_iter_children(model , &cIter , &iter)) {
            do {
                gtk_tree_model_get(model , &cIter , B_USERID_COL , &userid , -1);
                if(strcmp(userid , contact->userId) == 0) {
                    gtk_tree_store_set(GTK_TREE_STORE(model) , &cIter
                                       , B_SIPURI_COL            , contact->sipuri
                                       , B_RELATIONSTATUS_COL    , contact->relationStatus
                                       , -1);
                    goto end;
            } while(gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model , &cIter));
    } while(gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model , &iter));
void *fx_main_process_addbuddyapplication_thread(void *data) {
    struct Args {
        FxMain *fxmain;
        gchar   sipmsg[2048];
    } *args = (struct Args *)data;
    gchar *userid;
    gchar *sipuri;
    gchar *desc;
    gint   phrase;
    FxApp *fxapp;
                                         &sipuri , &userid , &desc , &phrase);
    fxapp = fx_app_new(args->fxmain, sipuri,
                       userid , desc , phrase);
    return NULL;
void fx_main_process_addbuddyapplication(FxMain *fxmain , const char *sipmsg) {
    struct Args {
        FxMain *fxmain;
        char sipmsg[2048];
    } *args = (struct Args *)malloc(sizeof(struct Args));
    memset(args , 0 , sizeof(struct args));
    args->fxmain = fxmain;
    strcpy(args->sipmsg , sipmsg);
    g_thread_create(fx_main_process_addbuddyapplication_thread , args , FALSE , NULL);
void fx_main_destroy(GtkWidget *UNUSED(widget) , gpointer data) {
    FxMain *fxmain = (FxMain *)data;
    User   *user = fxmain->user;
    if(user) {
        Config *config = user->config;
gboolean fx_main_delete(GtkWidget *widget , GdkEvent *UNUSED(event) , gpointer data) {
    FxMain *fxmain = (FxMain *)data;
    FxClose *fxclose;
    Config *config;
    int ret;
    int     window_width;
    int     window_height;
    int     window_x;
    int     window_y;
    if(fxmain->user) {
        config = fxmain->user->config;
                                &window_x, &window_y);
        config->window_pos_x = window_x;
        config->window_pos_y = window_y;
                            &window_width, &window_height);
        config->window_width = window_width;
        config->window_height = window_height;
    if(fxmain->user) {
        if(config->closeAlert == CLOSE_ALERT_ENABLE) {
            fxclose = fx_close_new(fxmain);
            ret = gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(fxclose->dialog));
            if(ret == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) {
                if(fx_close_alert(fxclose) == CLOSE_ALERT_DISABLE) {
                    config->closeMode = fx_close_get_action(fxclose);
                    config->closeAlert = CLOSE_ALERT_DISABLE;
                if(fx_close_get_action(fxclose) == CLOSE_DESTROY_MODE) {
                    return FALSE;
                } else {
                    return TRUE;
            } else {
                return TRUE;
    } else {
        fx_main_destroy(widget , fxmain);
        return FALSE;
    if(fxmain->user != NULL && fxmain->user->loginStatus != -1) {
        config = fxmain->user->config;
        if(config->closeMode == CLOSE_ICON_MODE) {
            return TRUE;
        } else {
            return FALSE;
    return FALSE;
gboolean fx_main_window_state_func(GtkWidget *widget
                                   , GdkEventWindowState *event , gpointer data) {
    FxMain *fxmain;
    Config *config;
    fxmain = (FxMain *)data;
    config = fxmain->user == NULL ? NULL : fxmain->user->config;
    if(config) {
        if(event->changed_mask == GDK_WINDOW_STATE_ICONIFIED &&
                event->new_window_state == GDK_WINDOW_STATE_ICONIFIED) {
            if(config->canIconify == ICON_CAN) {
                                        , &window_pos_x_old , &window_pos_y_old);
                return TRUE;
            } else {
                return FALSE;
    return FALSE;
void fx_main_tray_activate_func(GtkWidget *UNUSED(widget) , gpointer data) {
    FxMain *fxmain;
    Config *config = NULL;
    fxmain = (FxMain *)data;
    if(fxmain->user && fxmain->user->config)
        config = fxmain->user->config;
    if(GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE(fxmain->window)) {
        if(config->canIconify == ICON_CAN) {
                                    , &window_pos_x_old , &window_pos_y_old);
    } else {
    if(window_pos_x_old == 0 && window_pos_y_old == 0) {
        window_pos_x_old = window_pos_x;
        window_pos_y_old = window_pos_y;
                    window_pos_x_old , window_pos_y_old);
static void fx_main_mute_clicked(
    GtkWidget *UNUSED(widget) , gpointer data) {
    FxMain *fxmain;
    User   *user;
    Config *config;
    fxmain = (FxMain *)data;
    user = fxmain->user;
    config = user->config;
    if(config->isMute == MUTE_ENABLE)
        config->isMute = MUTE_DISABLE;
        config->isMute = MUTE_ENABLE;
static void fx_main_direct_sms_clicked(
    GtkWidget *UNUSED(widget) , gpointer data) {
    FxMain *fxmain;
    FxDSMS *fxdsms;
    fxmain = (FxMain *)data;
    fxdsms = fx_dsms_new(fxmain);
    if(fxmain->user->carrierStatus == CARRIER_STATUS_DOWN) {
void fx_main_tray_popmenu_func(
    GtkWidget *UNUSED(widget),
    guint button , guint activate_time,
    gpointer data) {
    FxMain    *fxmain;
    User      *user;
    Config    *config;
    GtkWidget *item;
    GtkWidget *menu;
    GtkWidget *statemenu;
    GtkWidget *submenu;
    gchar     stateMenu[48];
    gint      i;
    typedef struct {
        FxMain *fxmain;
        StateType type;
    } Args;
    Args      *args;
    fxmain = (FxMain *)data;
    user = fxmain->user;
    struct {
        const gchar *name;
        const gchar *icon;
        int type;
    } presence[] = {
        { N_("Online")   , SKIN_DIR"online.svg" , P_ONLINE } ,
        { N_("Leave")    , SKIN_DIR"away.svg" , P_AWAY } ,
        { N_("Busy")     , SKIN_DIR"busy.svg" , P_BUSY } ,
        { N_("Hide")     , SKIN_DIR"invisible.svg" , P_HIDDEN } ,
        { N_("Eating out") , SKIN_DIR"away.svg" , P_OUTFORLUNCH } ,
        { N_("Do Not Disturb") , SKIN_DIR"away.svg" , P_DONOTDISTURB } ,
        { N_("Back Soon") , SKIN_DIR"away.svg" , P_RIGHTBACK } ,
        { N_("Meeting")  , SKIN_DIR"away.svg" , P_MEETING } ,
        { N_("Calling")  , SKIN_DIR"away.svg" , P_ONTHEPHONE} ,
        { NULL       , NULL                , -1}
    menu = gtk_menu_new();
    fx_main_create_menu1(_("About OpenFetion") , GTK_STOCK_ABOUT
                         , menu , fx_main_about_fetion_clicked , NULL);
    if(fxmain->user && fxmain->user->loginStatus != -1) {
        config = fxmain->user->config;
        item = gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_label(_("Close sound"));
        if(config->isMute == MUTE_ENABLE)
                GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(item) , TRUE);
                GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(item) , FALSE);
        g_signal_connect(item, "activate",
                         G_CALLBACK(fx_main_mute_clicked) , fxmain);
        gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu) , item);
        item = gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_label(_("Receive SMS"));
        if(strcmp(user->smsOnLineStatus , "0.00:00:00") &&
                strcmp(user->smsOnLineStatus , "0.0:0:0"))
            gtk_check_menu_item_set_active(GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(item) , FALSE);
            gtk_check_menu_item_set_active(GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(item) , TRUE);
        gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu) , item);
        g_signal_connect(item, "activate",
                         G_CALLBACK(fx_head_set_sms_clicked) , fxmain);
        fx_main_create_menu1(_("Information query") , GTK_STOCK_FIND
                             , menu , fx_main_info_lookup_clicked , fxmain);
        statemenu = fx_main_create_menu1(_("Edit statement"),
                                         GTK_STOCK_INFO , menu , NULL , NULL);
        submenu = gtk_menu_new();
        for(i = 0 ; presence[i].type != -1 ; i++) {
            args = (Args *)malloc(sizeof(Args));
            args->fxmain = fxmain;
            args->type = presence[i].type;
            sprintf(stateMenu , "%s      " , _(presence[i].name));
            fx_main_create_menu(stateMenu , presence[i].icon
                                , submenu , fx_main_set_state_clicked , args);
        gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(statemenu) , submenu);
        statemenu = fx_main_create_menu1(_("Message Function"),
                                         GTK_STOCK_INFO , menu , NULL , NULL);
        submenu = gtk_menu_new();
        fx_main_create_menu(_("SMS to many") , SKIN_DIR"groupsend.png"
                            , submenu , fx_main_send_to_many_clicked , fxmain);
        fx_main_create_menu(_("SMS directly") , SKIN_DIR"directsms.png"
                            , submenu , fx_main_direct_sms_clicked , fxmain);
        if(fxmain->user->boundToMobile == BOUND_MOBILE_ENABLE)
            fx_main_create_menu(_("SMS myself") , SKIN_DIR"myselfsms.png"
                                , submenu , fx_main_send_to_myself_clicked , fxmain);
        gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(statemenu) , submenu);
        fx_main_create_menu1(_("Add contact") , GTK_STOCK_ADD
                             , menu , fx_main_add_buddy_clicked , fxmain);
        fx_main_create_menu1(_("Personal setting") ,  GTK_STOCK_EDIT
                             , menu , fx_main_personal_setting_clicked , fxmain);
        fx_main_create_menu1(_("System setting") , GTK_STOCK_PREFERENCES
                             , menu , fx_main_system_setting_clicked , fxmain);
    fx_main_create_menu1(_("Exit OpenFetion ") , GTK_STOCK_QUIT
                         , menu , fx_main_destroy , fxmain);
    gtk_menu_popup(GTK_MENU(menu) , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL
                   , button , activate_time);
int main(int argc , char *argv[]) {
    FxMain *fxmain = fx_main_new();
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    bind_textdomain_codeset(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
    bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE , LOCALE_DIR);
    struct sigaction sa;
    sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
    sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, 0 );
    gst_init(&argc , &argv);
    gtk_init(&argc , &argv);
    return 0;
static void chat_listen_thread_end(FxMain *fxmain, const char *sipuri) {
    FxList       *clist;
    FxChat       *fxchat;
    Conversation *conv;
    clist = fxmain->clist;
    if(!sipuri || strlen(sipuri) == 0)
    fx_list_remove_sip_by_sipuri(fxmain->slist , sipuri);
    fxchat = fx_list_find_chat_by_sipuri(clist , sipuri);
    if(!fxchat) {
        debug_info("User %s left conversation" , sipuri);
        debug_info("Thread exit");
    conv = fxchat->conv;
    conv->currentSip = NULL;
    debug_info("User %s left conversation" , sipuri);
    debug_info("Thread exit");
void *fx_main_listen_thread_func(void *data) {
    ThreadArgs *args;
    FxMain     *fxmain;
    FetionSip  *sip;
    SipMsg     *msg;
    SipMsg     *pos;
    User       *user;
    gint        type;
    gint        ret;
    gint        error;
    args = (ThreadArgs *)data;
    fxmain = args->fxmain;
    user = fxmain->user;
    sip = args->sip;
    struct timeval tv;
    debug_info("A new thread entered");
    sip = (sip == NULL ? fxmain->user->sip : sip);
    for(;;) {
        if(!sip || !sip->tcp) {
            debug_info("thread exited");
        FD_SET(sip->tcp->socketfd, &fd_read);
        tv.tv_sec = 13;
        tv.tv_usec = 0;
        ret = select(sip->tcp->socketfd + 1, &fd_read, NULL, NULL, &tv);
        if(ret == 0)
        if (ret == -1) {
            debug_info ("Error.. to read socket %d,exit thread",
            if(sip != user->sip) {
                debug_info("Error.. thread sip freed\n");
        if (!FD_ISSET (sip->tcp->socketfd, &fd_read)) {
            g_usleep (100);
        msg = fetion_sip_listen(sip, &error);
        if(!msg && error) {
            /* if it is the main listening thread */
            if(sip == user->sip) {
                printf("\n\nError ...... break out...\n\n");
            } else {
                printf("\n\n Error ... user listen thread break out\n\n");
                chat_listen_thread_end(fxmain, sip->sipuri);
        pos = msg;
        while(pos) {
            type = fetion_sip_get_type(pos->message);
            switch(type) {
            case SIP_NOTIFICATION :
                fx_main_process_notification(fxmain , pos->message);
            case SIP_MESSAGE:
                fx_main_process_message(fxmain , sip , pos->message);
            case SIP_INVITATION:
                fx_main_process_invitation(fxmain , pos->message);
            case SIP_INCOMING :
                fx_main_process_incoming(fxmain , sip , pos->message);
            case SIP_SIPC_4_0:
                fx_main_process_sipc(fxmain , pos->message);
                //printf("%s\n" , pos->message);
            pos = pos->next;
    return NULL;
void fx_main_message_func(GtkWidget *UNUSED(widget) , gpointer data) {
    FxMain        *fxmain;
    FxList        *mlist;
    FxList        *cur;
    FxList        *tmp;
    FxChat        *fxchat;
    FxPGGroup     *fxpg;
    PGGroupMember *memcur;
    Message       *msg;
    fxmain = (FxMain *)data;
    mlist = fxmain->mlist;
    cur = mlist->pre;
    notify_notification_close(fxmain->notify , NULL);
    while(cur != fxmain->mlist) {
        msg = (Message *)(cur->data);
        /* ordinary message */
        if(!msg->pguri) {
            fxchat = fx_main_create_chat_window(fxmain , msg->sipuri);
            if(!fxchat) {
                g_print("Unknow Message\n");
                g_print("%s:%s\n" , msg->sipuri ,  msg->message);
            fx_chat_add_message(fxchat , msg->message,
                                &(msg->sendtime) , 0 , msg->sysback);
        } else {
            /*group message*/
            fxpg = pg_create_window(fxmain , msg->pguri);
            foreach_pg_member(fxpg->pggroup->member , memcur) {
                if(strcmp(memcur->sipuri , msg->sipuri) == 0) {
                    pg_add_message(fxpg, msg->message,
                                   &(msg->sendtime) , memcur );
        tmp = cur;
        cur = cur->pre;
    fx_head_set_state_image(fxmain , fxmain->user->state);
        GTK_STATUS_ICON(fxmain->trayIcon) , FALSE);
    fxmain->iconConnectId = g_signal_connect(
                                , "activate"
                                , GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(fx_main_tray_activate_func)
                                , fxmain);
    foreach_list(fxmain->clist, cur) {
        fxchat = (FxChat *)cur->data;
        if(fxchat->unreadMsgCount != 0)
gboolean fx_main_register_func(User *user) {
    if(fetion_user_keep_alive(user) < 0) {
        debug_info("keep alive terminated");
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
gboolean fx_main_check_func(FxMain *fxmain) {
    struct unacked_list *list;
    struct tm           *now;
    char                *msg;
    time_t               now_t;
    time_t               msg_time_t;
    long                 seconds;
    start_popup_presence = 1;
    if(fxmain->user->state == P_OFFLINE) {
        debug_info("Error.. check function exited");
        return FALSE;
    now = get_currenttime();
    foreach_unacked_list(unackedlist , list) {
        now_t = mktime(now);
        msg_time_t = mktime(&(list->message->sendtime));
        seconds = (long)now_t - (long)msg_time_t;
        if(seconds > 20) {
            unacked_list_remove(unackedlist , list);
            msg = contruct_message_sip(fxmain->user->sId , list->message);
            fx_main_process_message(fxmain , fxmain->user->sip , msg);
    return TRUE;
void fx_main_about_fetion_clicked(GtkWidget *UNUSED(widget) , gpointer UNUSED(data)) {
void fx_main_send_to_myself_clicked(GtkWidget *widget , gpointer data) {
    fx_bottom_on_sendtome_clicked(widget , data);
void fx_main_send_to_many_clicked(GtkWidget *widget , gpointer data) {
    fx_bottom_on_sendtomany_clicked(widget , data);
void fx_main_personal_setting_clicked(GtkWidget *widget , gpointer data) {
    fx_bottom_on_setting_clicked(widget , data);
void fx_main_system_setting_clicked(GtkWidget *UNUSED(widget) , gpointer data) {
    FxMain *fxmain = (FxMain *)data;
    FxSet *fxset = fx_set_new(fxmain);
    g_object_set(fxset->notebook , "page" , 1 , NULL);
    gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(fxset->dialog) , GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER);
void fx_main_set_state_clicked(GtkWidget *widget , gpointer data) {
    fx_head_change_state_func(widget , data);
void fx_main_add_buddy_clicked(GtkWidget *widget , gpointer data) {
    fx_bottom_on_addfriend_clicked(widget , data);
void fx_main_info_lookup_clicked(GtkWidget *widget , gpointer data) {
    fx_bottom_on_lookup_clicked(widget , data);
FetionSip *fx_list_find_sip_by_sipuri(FxList *fxlist , const char *sipuri) {
    FxList    *cur;
    FetionSip *sip;
    gchar     *sid;
    gchar     *sid1;
    foreach_list(fxlist , cur) {
        sip = (FetionSip *)(cur->data);
        sid = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(sip->sipuri);
        sid1 = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(sipuri);
        if(strcmp(sid , sid1) == 0) {
            sid = NULL;
            sid1 = NULL;
            return sip;
        sid = NULL;
        sid1 = NULL;
    return NULL;
void fx_list_remove_sip_by_sipuri(FxList *fxlist , const char *sipuri) {
    FxList    *cur;
    FetionSip *sip;
    gchar     *sid;
    gchar     *sid1;
    foreach_list(fxlist , cur) {
        sip = (FetionSip *)(cur->data);
        sid = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(sip->sipuri);
        sid1 = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(sipuri);
        if(strcmp(sid , sid1) == 0) {
            debug_info("Removing sip from sip list");
            cur->next->pre = cur->pre;
            cur->pre->next = cur->next;
            sid = NULL;
            sid1 = NULL;
        sid = NULL;
        sid1 = NULL;
FxChat *fx_list_find_chat_by_sipuri(FxList *fxlist , const char *sipuri) {
    FxChat  *fxchat;
    FxList  *cur;
    Contact *contact;
    gchar   *sid;
    gchar   *sid1;
    foreach_list(fxlist , cur) {
        fxchat = (FxChat *)(cur->data);
        contact = fxchat->conv->currentContact;
        sid = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(contact->sipuri);
        sid1 = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(sipuri);
        if(strcmp(sid , sid1) == 0) {
            return fxchat;
    return NULL;
void fx_list_remove_chat_by_sipuri(FxList *fxlist , const char *sipuri) {
    FxList  *cur;
    Contact *contact;
    FxChat  *fxchat;
    gchar   *sid;
    gchar   *sid1;
    foreach_list(fxlist , cur) {
        fxchat = (FxChat *)(cur->data);
        contact = fxchat->conv->currentContact;
        if(!contact) {
            printf("Unknown FxChat\n");
        sid = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(contact->sipuri);
        sid1 = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(sipuri);
        if(strcmp(sid , sid1) == 0) {
            debug_info("Removing chat struct from chat list");
            sid = NULL;
            sid1 = NULL;
            cur->next->pre = cur->pre;
            cur->pre->next = cur->next;
        sid = NULL;
        sid1 = NULL;
TimeOutArgs *fx_list_find_timeout_by_sipuri(FxList *fxlist , const char *sipuri) {
    TimeOutArgs *args;
    FxList      *cur;
    gchar       *sid;
    gchar       *sid1;
    foreach_list(fxlist , cur) {
        args = (TimeOutArgs *)(cur->data);
        sid = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(args->sipuri);
        sid1 = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(sipuri);
        if(strcmp(sid , sid1) == 0) {
            sid = NULL;
            sid1 = NULL;
            return args;
        sid = NULL;
        sid1 = NULL;
    return NULL;
void fx_list_remove_timeout_by_sipuri(FxList *fxlist , const char *sipuri) {
    FxList      *cur;
    TimeOutArgs *args;
    gchar       *sid;
    gchar       *sid1;
    foreach_list(fxlist , cur) {
        args = (TimeOutArgs *)(cur->data);
        sid = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(args->sipuri);
        sid1 = fetion_sip_get_sid_by_sipuri(sipuri);
        if(strcmp(sid , sid1) == 0) {
            cur->next->pre = cur->pre;
            cur->pre->next = cur->next;
            sid = NULL;
            sid1 = NULL;
        sid = NULL;
        sid1 = NULL;
void fx_list_remove_pg_by_sipuri(FxList *fxlist , const char *sipuri) {
    FxList    *cur;
    FxPGGroup *fxpg;
    foreach_list(fxlist , cur) {
        fxpg = (FxPGGroup *)(cur->data);
        if(strcmp(fxpg->pggroup->pguri , sipuri) == 0) {
            cur->next->pre = cur->pre;
            cur->pre->next = cur->next;
void fx_main_add_history(FxMain *fxmain, const char *name,
                         const char *sid, const char *msg, int issend) {
    History   *history;
    struct tm *now;
    User      *user;
    user = fxmain->user;
    now = get_currenttime();
    history = fetion_history_message_new(name
                                         , sid , *now , msg , issend);
    fetion_history_add(fxmain->history , history);
static void fx_main_process_pggetgroupinfo(FxMain *fxmain , const char *sipmsg) {
    PGGroup *pggroup = fxmain->user->pggroup;
    pg_group_parse_info(pggroup , sipmsg);
static void fx_main_process_pgpresencechanged(FxMain *fxmain , const char *sipmsg) {
    PGGroup *pggroup = fxmain->user->pggroup;
    pg_group_parse_member(pggroup , sipmsg);
#if 0
    PGGroup *pgcur;
    /* get member contact info of current group */
    foreach_pg_group(pggroup , pgcur) {
        if(pgcur->hasDetails == 0)
            pg_group_update_group_info(fxmain->user , pgcur);
static gboolean key_press_func(GtkWidget *widget , GdkEventKey *event
                               , gpointer data) {
    if(event->keyval == GDK_w) {
        if(event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
            return TRUE;
        } else {
            return FALSE;
    if(event->keyval == GDK_q) {
        if(event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
            fx_main_delete(widget , NULL , data);
            return TRUE;
        } else {
            return FALSE;
    return FALSE;


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