open(FH, "+< $path") or die "can't open $path: $!";
flock(FH, 2) or die "can't flock $path: $!";
# update file, then...
close(FH) or die "can't close $path: $!";
sub LOCK_SH() { 1 } # Shared lock (for reading)
sub LOCK_EX() { 2 } # Exclusive lock (for writing)
sub LOCK_NB() { 4 } # Non-blocking request (don't stall)
sub LOCK_UN() { 8 } # Free the lock (careful!)
unless (flock(FH, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)) {
warn "can't immediately write-lock the file ($!), blocking ...";
unless (flock(FH, LOCK_EX)) {
die "can't get write-lock on numfile: $!";
if ($] < 5.004) { # test Perl version number
my $old_fh = select(FH);
local $| = 1; # enable command buffering
local $\ = ''; # clear output record separator
print ""; # trigger output flush
select($old_fh); # restore previous filehandle
flock(FH, LOCK_UN);
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
sysopen(FH, "numfile", O_RDWR|O_CREAT)
or die "can't open numfile: $!";
flock(FH, LOCK_EX) or die "can't write-lock numfile: $!";
# Now we have acquired the lock, it's safe for I/O
$num = <FH> || 0; # DO NOT USE "or" THERE!!
seek(FH, 0, 0) or die "can't rewind numfile : $!";
truncate(FH, 0) or die "can't truncate numfile: $!";
print FH $num+1, "\n" or die "can't write numfile: $!";
close(FH) or die "can't close numfile: $!";