use Fcntl; # for SEEK_SET and SEEK_CUR
seek(FH, $ADDRESS, SEEK_SET) or die "Seeking: $!";
or die "Reading: $!";
# update fields, then
seek(FH, -$RECSIZE, SEEK_CUR) or die "Seeking: $!";
print FH $BUFFER;
close FH or die "Closing: $!";
# download the following standalone program
# weekearly -- set someone's login date back a week
use User::pwent;
use IO::Seekable;
$typedef = 'L A12 A16'; # linux fmt; sunos is "L A8 A16"
$sizeof = length(pack($typedef, ()));
$user = shift(@ARGV) || $ENV{USER} || $ENV{LOGNAME};
$address = getpwnam($user)->uid * $sizeof;
open (LASTLOG, "+</var/log/lastlog")
or die "can't update /usr/adm/lastlog: $!";
seek(LASTLOG, $address, SEEK_SET)
or die "seek failed: $!";
read(LASTLOG, $buffer, $sizeof) == $sizeof
or die "read failed: $!";
($time, $line, $host) = unpack($typedef, $buffer);
$time -= 24 * 7 * 60 * 60; # back-date a week
$buffer = pack($typedef, $time, $line, $time);
seek(LASTLOG, -$sizeof, SEEK_CUR) # backup one record
or die "seek failed: $!";
print LASTLOG $record;
or die "close failed: $!";