$old_rs = $/; # save old $/
$/ = "\0"; # NULL
seek(FH, $addr, SEEK_SET) or die "Seek error: $!\n";
$string = <FH>; # read string
chomp $string; # remove NULL
$/ = $old_rs; # restore old $/
local $/ = "\0";
# ...
} # $/ is automatically restored
# download the following standalone program
# bgets - get a string from an address in a binary file
use IO::Seekable;
($file, @addrs) = @ARGV or die "usage: $0 addr ...";
open(FH, $file) or die "cannot open $file: $!";
$/ = "\000";
foreach $addr (@addrs) {
$addr = oct $addr if $addr =~ /^0/;
seek(FH, $addr, SEEK_SET)
or die "can't seek to $addr in $file: $!";
printf qq{%#x %#o %d "%s"\n}, $addr, $addr, $addr, scalar <>;
# download the following standalone program
# strings - pull strings out of a binary file
$/ = "\0";
while (<>) {
while (/([\040-\176\s]{4,})/g) {
print $1, "\n";