$record =
NAME => "Jason",
EMPNO => 132,
TITLE => "deputy peon",
AGE => 23,
SALARY => 37_000,
PALS => [ "Norbert", "Rhys", "Phineas"],
printf "I am %s, and my pals are %s.\n",
$record-> {NAME},
join ( ", ", @ {$record->{PALS}} );
# store record
$byname { $record->{NAME} } = $record;
# later on, look up by name
if ( $rp = $byname {"Aron"} )
# false if missing
printf "Aron is employee %d.\n", $rp-> {EMPNO};
# give jason a new pal
push @ {$byname{"Jason"}->{PALS}}, "Theodore";
printf "Jason now has %d pals\n", scalar @ {$byname{"Jason"}->{PALS}};
# Go through all records
while ( ( $name, $record ) = each %byname )
printf "%s is employee number %d\n", $name, $record-> {EMPNO};
# store record
$employees[ $record-> {EMPNO} ] = $record;
# lookup by id
if ( $rp = $employee[132] )
printf "employee number 132 is %s\n", $rp-> {NAME};
$byname {"Jason"}-> {SALARY} *= 1.035;
@peons = grep { $_->{TITLE} =~ /peon/i } @employees;
@tsevens = grep { $_->{AGE} == 27 } @employees;
# Go through all records
foreach $rp ( sort { $a->{AGE} <=> $b->{AGE} } values %byname )
printf "%s is age %d.\n", $rp-> {NAME}, $rp-> {AGE};
# or with a hash slice on the reference
printf "%s is employee number %d.\n", @$rp {'NAME','EMPNO'};
# use @byage, an array of arrays of records
push @ { $byage[ $record->{AGE} ] }, $record;
for ( $age = 0; $age <= $#byage; $age++) {
next unless $byage[$age];
print "Age $age: ";
foreach $rp ( @ {$byage[$age]} )
print $rp-> {NAME}, " ";
print "\n";
for ( $age = 0; $age <= $#byage; $age++) {
next unless $byage[$age];
printf "Age %d: %s\n", $age,
join ( ", ", map {$_->{NAME}} @ {$byage[$age]} );