use Tk;
$main = MainWindow->new();
# Create a horizontal space at the top of the window for the
# menu to live in.
$menubar = $main->Frame ( -relief => "raised",
-borderwidth => 2 )
->pack ( -anchor => "nw",
-fill => "x" );
# Create a button labeled "File" that brings up a menu
$file_menu = $menubar->Menubutton ( -text => "File",
-underline => 1 )
->pack ( -side => "left" );
# Create entries in the "File" menu
$file_menu->command ( -label => "Print",
-command => \&Print );
$file_menu = $menubar->Menubutton ( -text => "File",
-underline => 1,
-menuitems => [
[ Button => "Print",-command => \&Print ],
[ Button => "Save",-command => \&Save ] ] )
->pack ( -side => "left" );
$file_menu->command ( -label => "Quit Immediately",
-command => sub { exit } );
$options_menu->checkbutton ( -label => "Create Debugging File",
-variable => \$debug,
-onvalue => 1,
-offvalue => 0 );
$debug_menu->radiobutton ( -label => "Level 1",
-variable => \$log_level,
-value => 1 );
$debug_menu->radiobutton ( -label => "Level 2",
-variable => \$log_level,
-value => 2 );
$debug_menu->radiobutton ( -label => "Level 3",
-variable => \$log_level,
-value => 3 );
# step 1: create the cascading menu entry
$format_menu->cascade ( -label => "Font" );
# step 2: get the new Menu we just made
$font_menu = $format_menu->cget ( "-menu" );
# step 3: populate that Menu
$font_menu->radiobutton ( -label => "Courier",
-variable => \$font_name,
-value => "courier" );
$font_menu->radiobutton ( -label => "Times Roman",
-variable => \$font_name,
-value => "times" );
$format_menu = $menubar->Menubutton ( -text => "Format",
-underline => 1
-tearoff => 0 )
$font_menu = $format_menu->cascade ( -label => "Font",
-tearoff => 0 );
my $f = $menubar->Menubutton ( -text => "Edit", -underline => 0,
-menuitems =>
[Button => 'Copy', -command => \&edit_copy ],
[Button => 'Cut', -command => \&edit_cut ],
[Button => 'Paste', -command => \&edit_paste ],
[Button => 'Delete', -command => \&edit_delete ],
[Separator => ''],
[Cascade => 'Object ...', -tearoff => 0,
-menuitems => [
[ Button => "Circle", -command => \&edit_circle ],
[ Button => "Square", -command => \&edit_square ],
[ Button => "Point", -command => \&edit_point ] ] ],
] )->grid ( -row => 0, -column => 0, -sticky => 'w' );