print textfield ( "SEARCH" );
# previous SEARCH value is the default
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# who.cgi - run who(1) on a user and format the results nicely
$ENV {IFS}='';
$ENV {PATH}='/bin:/usr/bin';
use CGI qw ( :standard );
# print search form
print header(), start_html ( "Query Users" ), h1 ( "Search" );
print start_form(), p ( "Which user?", textfield ( "WHO" ) );
submit(), end_form();
# print results of the query if we have someone to look for
$name = param ( "WHO" );
if ( $name )
print h1 ( "Results" );
$html = '';
# call who and build up text of response
foreach ( `who` )
next unless /^$name\s/o;
# only lines matching $name
# escape HTML
$html .= $_;
# nice message if we didn't find anyone by that name
$html = $html || "$name is not logged in";
print pre($html);
print end_html();
by: 发表于:2017-09-15 16:57:18 顶(0) | 踩(0) 回复