# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# sumwww - summarize web server log activity
$lastdate = "";
# read CLF files and tally hits from the host and to the URL
sub daily_logs
while ( <> )
( $type, $what ) = /"(GET|POST)\s+(\S+?) \S+"/ or next;
( $host, undef, undef, $datetime ) = split;
( $bytes ) = /\s ( \d+ ) \s*$/ or next;
( $date ) = ( $datetime =~ /\[ ( [^:]* ) / );
$posts += ( $type eq POST );
$home++ if m, / ,;
if ( $date ne $lastdate )
if ( $lastdate ) { write_report() }
else { $lastdate = $date }
$hosts {$host}++;
$what {$what}++;
$bytesum += $bytes;
write_report() if $count;
# use *typeglob aliasing of global variables for cheap copy
sub summary
$lastdate = "Grand Total";
*count = *sumcount;
*bytesum = *bytesumsum;
*hosts = *allhosts;
*posts = *allposts;
*what = *allwhat;
*home = *allhome;
# display the tallies of hosts and URLs, using formats
sub write_report
# add to summary data
$lastdate = $date;
$sumcount += $count;
$bytesumsum += $bytesum;
$allposts += $posts;
$allhome += $home;
# reset daily data
$posts = $count = $bytesum = $home = 0;
@allwhat{keys %what} = keys %what;
@allhosts{keys %hosts} = keys %hosts;
%hosts = %what = ();
format STDOUT_TOP =
@|||||||||| @|||||| @||||||| @||||||| @|||||| @|||||| @|||||||||||||
"Date", "Hosts", "Accesses", "Unidocs", "POST", "Home", "Bytes"
----------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- --------------
format STDOUT =
@>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>> @>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>>>>>
$lastdate, scalar ( keys %hosts ),
$count, scalar ( keys %what ),
$posts, $home, $bytesum
# Date Hosts Accesses Unidocs POST Home Bytes
# ----------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- --------------
# 19/May/1998 353 6447 3074 352 51 16058246
# 20/May/1998 1938 23868 4288 972 350 61879643
# 21/May/1998 1775 27872 6596 1064 376 64613798
# 22/May/1998 1680 21402 4467 735 285 52437374
# 23/May/1998 1128 21260 4944 592 186 55623059
# Grand Total 6050 100849 10090 3715 1248 250612120
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# aprept - report on Apache logs
use Logfile::Apache;
$l = Logfile::Apache->new (
File => "-", # STDIN
Group => [ Domain, File ] );
$l->report ( Group => Domain, Sort => Records );
$l->report ( Group => File, List => [Bytes,Records] );
# Domain Records
# ===============================
# US Commercial 222 38.47%
# US Educational 115 19.93%
# Network 93 16.12%
# Unresolved 54 9.36%
# Australia 48 8.32%
# Canada 20 3.47%
# Mexico 8 1.39%
# United Kingdom 6 1.04%
# File Bytes Records
# =========================================================
# / 13008 0.89% 6 1.04%
# /cgi-bin/MxScreen 11870 0.81% 2 0.35%
# /cgi-bin/pickcards 39431 2.70% 48 8.32%
# /deckmaster 143793 9.83% 21 3.64%
# /deckmaster/admin 54447 3.72% 3 0.52%
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