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< title >自动滚动的jQuery幻灯片代码</ title > |
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animationComplete: function(current){ |
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< div id = "example" > < img src = "img/new-ribbon.png" width = "112" height = "112" alt = "New Ribbon" id = "ribbon" > |
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< div > < a href = "http://yuncode.net" title = "145.365 - Happy Bokeh Thursday! | Flickr - Photo Sharing!" target = "_blank" >< img src = "img/slide-1.jpg" width = "570" height = "270" alt = "Slide 1" ></ a > |
< div class = "caption" style = "bottom:0" > |
< p >Happy Bokeh Thursday!</ p > |
</ div > |
</ div > |
< div > < a href = "http://yuncode.net" title = "Taxi | Flickr - Photo Sharing!" target = "_blank" >< img src = "img/slide-2.jpg" width = "570" height = "270" alt = "Slide 2" ></ a > |
< div class = "caption" > |
< p >Taxi</ p > |
</ div > |
</ div > |
< div > < a href = "http://yuncode.net" title = "Happy Bokeh raining Day | Flickr - Photo Sharing!" target = "_blank" >< img src = "img/slide-3.jpg" width = "570" height = "270" alt = "Slide 3" ></ a > |
< div class = "caption" > |
< p >Happy Bokeh raining Day</ p > |
</ div > |
</ div > |
< div > < a href = "http://yuncode.net" title = "We Eat Light | Flickr - Photo Sharing!" target = "_blank" >< img src = "img/slide-4.jpg" width = "570" height = "270" alt = "Slide 4" ></ a > |
< div class = "caption" > |
< p >We Eat Light</ p > |
</ div > |
</ div > |
< div > < a href = "http://www.16sucai.cn/" title = "“I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky; and all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.” | Flickr - Photo Sharing!" target = "_blank" >< img src = "img/slide-5.jpg" width = "570" height = "270" alt = "Slide 5" ></ a > |
< div class = "caption" > |
< p >“I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky...”</ p > |
</ div > |
</ div > |
< div > < a href = "http://yuncode.net" title = "twelve.inch | Flickr - Photo Sharing!" target = "_blank" >< img src = "img/slide-6.jpg" width = "570" height = "270" alt = "Slide 6" ></ a > |
< div class = "caption" > |
< p >16sucai.com</ p > |
</ div > |
</ div > |
< div > < a href = "http://yuncode.net" title = "Save my love for loneliness | Flickr - Photo Sharing!" target = "_blank" >< img src = "img/slide-7.jpg" width = "570" height = "270" alt = "Slide 7" ></ a > |
< div class = "caption" > |
< p >Save my love for loneliness</ p > |
</ div > |
</ div > |
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< a href = "#" class = "prev" >< img src = "img/arrow-prev.png" width = "24" height = "43" alt = "Arrow Prev" ></ a > < a href = "#" class = "next" >< img src = "img/arrow-next.png" width = "24" height = "43" alt = "Arrow Next" ></ a > </ div > |
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< div id = "footer" > |
< p >来源:< a href = "http://slidesjs.com" target = "_blank" >slidesjs</ a ></ p > |
< p ></ p > |
< p >自动滚动的jQuery幻灯片代码,可左右翻页,并有导航按钮</ p > |
< p ></ p > |
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by: 学代码累成狗 发表于:2017-04-21 09:29:08 顶(0) | 踩(0) 回复