'移动窗体声明 |
Dim TF As Boolean |
Dim MX As Integer |
Dim MY As Integer |
Private Sub form_MouseDown(Button As Integer , Shift As Integer , x As Single , Y As Single ) |
'移动窗体MouseDown事件 |
TF = True |
MX = x |
MY = Y |
End Sub |
Private Sub form_MouseUp(Button As Integer , Shift As Integer , x As Single , Y As Single ) |
'移动窗体MouseUp事件 |
TF = False |
End Sub |
Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer , Shift As Integer , x As Single , Y As Single ) |
'移动窗体MouseMove事件 |
If TF = True And Button = 1 Then |
Me .Move Me .Left - MX + x, Me .Top - MY + Y |
End If |
End Sub |
------------------------------------------------------- |
说明: |
不用API就是好用啊! |
大家可以变通着用~很好很强大! |
Form可以使用其它控件代替,比如label,也就是点住标签可以移动窗口;再比如移动Frame,可以实现框架在本窗口内移动: |
'点住label1移动frame1 |
声明 |
label1_MouseUp |
label1_MouseDown |
都一样 |
Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer , Shift As Integer , x As Single , Y As Single ) |
'移动框架MouseMove事件 |
If TF = True And Button = 1 Then |
Frame1.Move Frame1.Left - MX + x, Frame1.Top - MY + Y |
End If |
End Sub |
------------------------------------------------------ |
by: 发表于:2017-11-06 14:45:53 顶(0) | 踩(0) 回复