BASIC Command
Command Description
CTRL-B Move backward one character (without deleting)
CTRL-F Move forward one character
CTRL-H Delete one character backward
CTRL-D Delete one character forward
WORD Command
ESC-B Move one word backward
ESC-F Move one word forward
ESC-DEL Kill one word backward
ESC-CTRL-H Kill one word backward
ESC-D Kill one word forward
CTRL-Y Retrieve (“yank”) last item killed
LINE Command
CTRL-A Move to beginning of line
CTRL-E Move to end of line
CTRL-K Kill forward to end of line
History List
CTRL-P Move to previous line
CTRL-N Move to next line
CTRL-R Search backward
ESC-< Move to first line of history list
ESC-> Move to last line of history list
Textual Completion
TAB Attempt to perform general completion of the text
ESC-? List the possible completions
ESC-/ Attempt filename completion
CTRL-X/ List the possible filename completions
ESC-~ Attempt username completion
CTRL-X~ List the possible username completions
ESC-$ Attempt variable completion
CTRL-X$ List the possible variable completions
ESC-@ Attempt hostname completion
CTRL-X@ List the possible hostname completions
ESC-! Attempt command completion
CTRL-X! List the possible command completions
ESC-TAB Attempt completion from previous commands in the history list
Miscellaneous Commands
CTRL-L Clears the screen, placing the current line at the top of the screen
CTRL-O Same as RETURN, then display next line in command history
CTRL-T Transpose two characters on either side of point and move point forward by one
CTRL-U Kills the line from the beginning to point
CTRL-V Quoted insert
CTRL-[ Same as ESC (most keyboards)
ESC-C Capitalize word after point
ESC-U Change word after point to all capital letters
ESC-L Change word after point to all lowercase letters
ESC-. Insert last word in previous command line after point
ESC-_ Same as ESC-.