






云代码 - c代码库


2017-05-22 作者: 小章举报


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
unsigned char   dos_string[128];
unsigned char   delete_file[128];
#define DWORD unsigned long
#define WORD  unsigned int
#define BYTE  unsigned char
#define USGC    unsigned char
#define USGI    unsigned
#define USGL    unsigned long
#define MAXDIGHACK  8
#define GOOD_CRC32_RESIDUAL 0xdebb20e3L
USGL crctable[256];     // global accessible //
USGI    crc2find;       // crc 2 find //
BYTE    sig[] = {0x50,0x4b,0x03,0x04};
BYTE    error_sig[] ={'e','r','r','o','r','s','!'};
unsigned long crc32(USGL oldcrc, char newchar);
void generatetable();
unsigned char decrypt_byte();
void update_password(char *password);
 void update_keys(unsigned long *key,char    val);
int maxdighack =    MAXDIGHACK;
//unsigned char preamble[10];
//unsigned char postamble[10];
int ffflag=0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned char passcode[25];
    unsigned char buffer[25];
    unsigned char lookfile[25];
    unsigned char inbuff[25];
    unsigned char zipname[25];
    FILE *zipfile;
    int end,i,j,skip,len;
    printf("\nZipcrack V0.1b - (c)1991 by Mycal Johnson - mycal@netacsys.com\n\n");
        printf("\n Usage:  'zipcrack zipfile crackfile'");
        printf("\n  zipfile   = filename.zip ");
        printf("\n  crackfile = file in the zipfile to crack\n\n");
        printf("\n Filename must be 8 characters or less, do not incude .zip extention \n\n");
        printf("\n Filename to hack cannot be more than 12 characters including extention\n\n");
    // make unzip try string
    strcpy(dos_string,"unzip ");
    strcat(dos_string," ");
    strcat(dos_string," -s");
    strcpy(delete_file,"del ");
    // check to see if target already exists
    if((zipfile = fopen(lookfile,"r+b")) != NULL)
        printf("\nWarning %s already exists on disk.",lookfile);
        printf("\n Delete this file and try again.");
    if ((zipfile = fopen(zipname,"r+b")) == NULL )
        printf("fopen failed.  Cannot find/open %s.\n",zipname);
    i = 0;
    // Here we search for file to hack on inside the zip file.  First we
    // look for the local file sig then we check to see if its our file.
        if(fread(buffer, sizeof(char),1,zipfile))
            if(buffer[0] == sig[i])
                i = i + 1;
                i = 0;
        if (i == 4)
        {                   // sig is 4 digits
            skip = 26;
            if(fseek(zipfile, (long)skip, SEEK_CUR)!=0)
                printf("fseek fail\n");
            if(fread(inbuff, sizeof(char),len,zipfile))
                printf("read failed\n");
            end = 2;            // end of file
    // We couldn't find the file to hack if end = 2;
    if(end == 2) {
        printf("File to hack not in found in Zipfile.\n");
    // Read encryption header
    if(!fread(buffer, sizeof(char),12,zipfile))
        printf("Cannot read from Zipfile.  fread fail\n");
    skip = -(len+16+12);    // - len of filename + crc offset + encript headder
    if(fseek(zipfile, (long)skip, SEEK_CUR)!=0)
        printf("fseek fail\n");
    if(fread(inbuff, sizeof(char),4,zipfile))
        printf(" crc from file = %x : %x  \n",((inbuff[3]<<8)|inbuff[2]),
        crc2find = ((inbuff[3]<<8)|inbuff[2]);
        printf("fread2 fail");
    {                               // buffer contains encription header //
                                    // returns hacked key in passcode    //
        printf("\nWe hack success!\n\nKey is '%s'\n\n",passcode);
        printf("Thanx to your pal mycal@netacsys.com\n");
        printf("\nBummer, I couldn't hack it.\n");
    return 0;
int crackzip(char *passcode, char *buffer)
    unsigned long key[3];
    unsigned char hackbuff[19];
    unsigned char password[50];
    unsigned char dos_try[128];
    unsigned int i,end, result,slen;
    generatetable();        // generate 32-bit crc table  //
// Set password to 'a' and the rest nil, set up end flag
    end = 0;
    for(i=0;i<50;i++)           // init password to nil //
// this is where the main hack loop is, we loop here tell we crack the
// password or forever, whichever is first.
        memcpy(hackbuff,buffer,15); // reset buffer to origin
        key[0] = 305419896L;        // reset key to start
        key[1] = 591751049L;
        key[2] = 878082192L;
        // initilize key with password
        slen = strlen(password);
        for(i=0; i<slen;i++)
        // try the decript
            // no CRC match, get next password to try, try again
            // We have a CRC match, so lets try to unzip the file
            printf(" -- possible password is %s. Trying it now... \n",password);
            strcat(dos_try," > zipcrack.err");
                // we hack success!
    }// end while //
// chk_4_errors() - search the zipcrack.err file for the error_sig -
//        "error!".  If found return 1 else return 0
int chk_4_errors()
    FILE *errfile;
    int end;
    int i;
    char buffer[10];
    if ((errfile = fopen("zipcrack.err","r+b")) == NULL )
        printf("\nCannot find zipcrack.err file.");
        printf("\nCannot continue.\n");
        if(fread(buffer, sizeof(char),1,errfile))
            if(buffer[0] == error_sig[i])
                i = i + 1;
                i = 0;
            if (i == 7)
            {                   // sig is 4 digits
//  update_password(password) - we get the next password to try here.
//      This is the routine you would modify to make a dictionary or
//      other than sequential hack.   Also you can modify the range
//      of char's to try here.
void update_password(char *password)
    int g,i,len,err;
    char newlen[12];
    len = strlen(password);
    i = len-1;
    g = 0;
        password[i] = password[i] + 1;      // inc to next char in series
        if(password[i] > 'z') {
            password[i] = 'a';
            i = i - 1;
            g = g + 1;
                printf("password = %s \015",password);
            err = 1;
        if(i<0) {                   // we need to increase the length by one
    //      strcpy(newlen,preamble);    // I was thinking about a pre and
                                        // postamble in case you knew the
                                        // first or las couple of letters
                                        // of the password
            strcpy(newlen,"a");     // new start of string //
            err = 1;
// decript_head(buffer,key) - this is where the actual work takes place,
//      We decript the buffer with the key generated with our password and
//      check if we have a CRC match, if we do return with a 1.
int decript_head(unsigned char *buffer,unsigned long *key)
    int i;
    unsigned int crc1;
    char c;
    for(i = 0; i<12 ; i++)
        c = buffer[i] ^ decrypt_byte(key);    /* buffer xor decrypt_byte */
        buffer[i] = c;
    crc1 = ((buffer[11]<<8)|(buffer[10]));
    /* crc1 = ~crc1; */
    if(crc1 == crc2find)
        printf("Yippi Ki-aye M*&!#R F*^@#R ");
void update_keys(unsigned long *key,char    val)
    key[0] = crc32(key[0],val);
    key[1] = key[1] + (key[0] & 0x000000ff);
    key[1] = key[1] * 134775813 + 1;
    key[2] = crc32(key[2],(key[1] >> 24));
unsigned char decrypt_byte(unsigned long *key)
    unsigned short temp;
    temp = key[2] | 2;
// cRc routine
unsigned long crc32(USGL oldcrc, char newchar)
    int i,index;
    USGL Crc;
    Crc = oldcrc;
        index = ((Crc ^ newchar) & 0x000000ffL);
        Crc = ((Crc >> 8) & 0x00ffffffL) ^ crctable[index];
    return Crc;            /* return a 1's complement */
void generatetable()        /* generate the crc look-up table */
    { USGI i;
            USGI i1 :1;     /* MSC low order bit */
            USGI i2 :1;
            USGI i3 :1;
            USGI i4 :1;
            USGI i5 :1;
            USGI i6 :1;
            USGI i7 :1;
            USGI i8 :1;     /* MSC high order bit */
            USGI    :8;     /* unused bits        */
    { USGL entry;
            USGI b1 :1;     /* MSC low order bit */
            USGI b2 :1;
            USGI b3 :1;
            USGI b4 :1;
            USGI b5 :1;
            USGI b6 :1;
            USGI b7 :1;
            USGI b8 :1;
            USGI b9 :1;
            USGI b10:1;
            USGI b11:1;
            USGI b12:1;
            USGI b13:1;
            USGI b14:1;
            USGI b15:1;
            USGI b16:1;
            USGI b17:1;
            USGI b18:1;
            USGI b19:1;
            USGI b20:1;
            USGI b21:1;
            USGI b22:1;
            USGI b23:1;
            USGI b24:1;
            USGI b25:1;
            USGI b26:1;
            USGI b27:1;
            USGI b28:1;
            USGI b29:1;
            USGI b30:1;
            USGI b31:1;
            USGI b32:1;     /* MSC high order bit */
        } entrybit;
    for (iUn.i = 0; iUn.i < 256; iUn.i++)
        entryun.entry = 0;     /* zero out the value */
        entryun.entrybit.b32 = (iUn.bit.i2 ^ iUn.bit.i8);
        entryun.entrybit.b31 = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i2 ^
                                iUn.bit.i7 ^ iUn.bit.i8);
        entryun.entrybit.b30 = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i2 ^
                                iUn.bit.i6 ^ iUn.bit.i7 ^
        entryun.entrybit.b29 = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i5 ^
                                iUn.bit.i6 ^ iUn.bit.i7);
        entryun.entrybit.b28 = (iUn.bit.i2 ^ iUn.bit.i4 ^
                                iUn.bit.i5 ^ iUn.bit.i6 ^
        entryun.entrybit.b27 = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i2 ^
                                iUn.bit.i3 ^ iUn.bit.i4 ^
                                iUn.bit.i5 ^ iUn.bit.i7 ^
        entryun.entrybit.b26 = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i2 ^
                                iUn.bit.i3 ^ iUn.bit.i4 ^
                                iUn.bit.i6 ^ iUn.bit.i7 );
        entryun.entrybit.b25 = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i3 ^
                                iUn.bit.i5 ^ iUn.bit.i6 ^
        entryun.entrybit.b24 = (iUn.bit.i4 ^ iUn.bit.i5 ^
                                iUn.bit.i7 ^ iUn.bit.i8);
        entryun.entrybit.b23 = (iUn.bit.i3 ^ iUn.bit.i4 ^
                                iUn.bit.i6 ^ iUn.bit.i7);
        entryun.entrybit.b22 = (iUn.bit.i3 ^ iUn.bit.i5 ^
                                iUn.bit.i6 ^ iUn.bit.i8);
        entryun.entrybit.b21 = (iUn.bit.i4 ^ iUn.bit.i5 ^
                                iUn.bit.i7 ^ iUn.bit.i8);
        entryun.entrybit.b20 = (iUn.bit.i2 ^ iUn.bit.i3 ^
                                iUn.bit.i4 ^ iUn.bit.i6 ^
                                iUn.bit.i7 ^ iUn.bit.i8 );
        entryun.entrybit.b19 = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i2 ^
                                iUn.bit.i3 ^ iUn.bit.i5 ^
                                iUn.bit.i6 ^ iUn.bit.i7 );
        entryun.entrybit.b18 = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i2 ^
                                iUn.bit.i4 ^ iUn.bit.i5 ^
                                iUn.bit.i6 );
        entryun.entrybit.b17 = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i3 ^
                                iUn.bit.i4 ^ iUn.bit.i5 );
        entryun.entrybit.b16 = (iUn.bit.i3 ^ iUn.bit.i4 ^
        entryun.entrybit.b15 = (iUn.bit.i2 ^ iUn.bit.i3 ^
        entryun.entrybit.b14 = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i2 ^
        entryun.entrybit.b13 = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i5);
        entryun.entrybit.b12 = (iUn.bit.i4);
        entryun.entrybit.b11 = (iUn.bit.i3);
        entryun.entrybit.b10 = (iUn.bit.i8);
        entryun.entrybit.b9  = (iUn.bit.i2 ^ iUn.bit.i7 ^
        entryun.entrybit.b8  = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i6 ^
        entryun.entrybit.b7  = (iUn.bit.i5 ^ iUn.bit.i6 );
        entryun.entrybit.b6  = (iUn.bit.i2 ^ iUn.bit.i4 ^
                                iUn.bit.i5 ^ iUn.bit.i8);
        entryun.entrybit.b5  = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i3 ^
                                iUn.bit.i4 ^ iUn.bit.i7 );
        entryun.entrybit.b4  = (iUn.bit.i2 ^ iUn.bit.i3 ^
        entryun.entrybit.b3  = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i2 ^
        entryun.entrybit.b2  = (iUn.bit.i1 ^ iUn.bit.i4);
        entryun.entrybit.b1  = (iUn.bit.i3);
        crctable[iUn.i] = entryun.entry;

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