Function NetTime( Optional url As String ) As String '返回包括时间和日期的字符串 |
Dim obj, OBJStatus, Retrieval |
Dim GetText As String |
Dim i As Long |
Dim myDate As Date |
Set Retrieval = CreateObject( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ) |
If url = "" Then |
url = "" '从国家授时中心网页获取时间 |
End If |
'通过下载网页头信息获取网络时间 |
On Error Goto ToExit |
With Retrieval |
.Open "Get" , url, False , "" , "" |
.setRequestHeader "If-Modified-Since" , "0" |
.setRequestHeader "Cache-Control" , "no-cache" |
.setRequestHeader "Connection" , "close" |
.Send |
If .Readystate <> 4 Then Exit Function |
GetText = .getAllResponseHeaders() |
i = InStr(1, GetText, "date:" , vbTextCompare) |
If i > 0 Then '网页下载成功 |
i = InStr(i, GetText, "," , vbTextCompare) |
GetText = Trim(Mid(GetText, i + 1)) |
i = InStr(1, GetText, " GMT" , vbTextCompare) |
GetText = Left(GetText, i - 1) |
myDate = GetText '字符串变为时间类型 |
myDate = myDate + #8:00:00 AM# '将时间转化为北京时间 |
NetTime = myDate '将时间转化为字符串 |
End If |
End With |
ToExit: |
Set Retrieval = Nothing |
Set OBJStatus = Nothing |
Set obj = Nothing |
End Function |
下列代码利用上述NetTime函数,可以将本机时间同步到标准时间,误差一般不超过1秒,如果多次运行或加上网络延时校正代码可进一步减少误差。 |
运行代码后,可以用时间精灵控件或到网站查看本机时间与标准时间的误差以验证代码的效果,当然更可以用时间精灵来校正你的电脑时间,这样误差将不超过0.1秒!这是VB中用Time语句设定本机时间无法实现的,因为Time语句的“分辨率”只能达到整秒。 |
Sub UpDateTime() |
Dim sTime as String |
sTime=NetTime() |
On Error Resume Next |
If Stime<> "" Then |
Time=sTime |
Date =sTime |
End If |
End Sub |