from turtle import * ht() tracer(0) x1=-400 y1=-400 宽=200 高=200 colorall=['red','orange','yellow','green','cyan','blue','purple'] n=0 def brick(mycolor): fillcolor(mycolor) pu() goto(x1,y1) pd() begin_fill() for i in range(2): fd(宽) lt(90) fd(高) lt(90) end_fill() update() brick(colorall[n]) def draw(x,y): if x>x1 and x<x1+宽 and y>y1 and y<y1+高: global n n=n+1 if n>=len(colorall): n=0 brick(colorall[n]) else: pu() goto(x,y) pd() dot(20,colorall[n]) onscreenclick(draw) done()