# 倾听音乐:享受生活。快乐每一天! |
import pygame |
import os |
import sys |
import time |
import easygui as es |
from pygame. locals import * |
import tkinter.messagebox |
print ( "加载中..." ) |
pygame.time.wait( 5000 ) |
import Loding |
pygame.time.wait( 10000 ) |
es.msgbox(msg = """ |
此程序仅支持在Windows平台的cmd窗口运行,如果在别的系统或别的程序下运行可能会运行失败或者效果变差! |
This program only supports running in the CMD window of Windows platform. |
If it is run under other systems or other programs,it may fail or the effect may become worse !""" |
,title = """ |
提示(Tips) |
""" |
,ok_button = |
""" |
我知道了 |
OK |
""" ) |
size = 1024 , 625 |
imge_size = 1024 , 625 |
pygame.init() |
print (pygame.get_sdl_version()) |
pygame.time.wait( 2000 ) |
pygame.time.delay( 2000 ) |
times = pygame.time.get_ticks() / 1000 |
es.msgbox(msg = "You have loaded a totla of:" + str (times) + "second" |
,title = "Loading time" |
,ok_button = "OK" ) |
pygame.mixer.init() |
es.msgbox(msg = """ |
====================================================================== |
Music address:./素材/音乐/ |
Music List: |
消愁-毛不易.mp3 爆爽游戏音乐.ogg 冬眠.mp3 踏山河.mp3 Dont'touch.mp3 |
====================================================================== |
""" |
,ok_button = "I have found a piece of music I like" |
,title = "Music List" ) |
musci_files = input ( "Please enter the full music path:" ) |
pygame.mixer.music.load(musci_files) |
pygame.mixer.music.set_volume( 0.6 ) |
pygame.mixer.music.play( - 1 , 0 ) |
pygame.mouse.set_pos( 249 , 212 ) |
scenn = pygame.display.set_mode(size) |
pygame.display.set_caption( "倾听音乐:享受生活!" ) |
img = pygame.image.load( "./素材/图片/imgs.jpeg" ) |
pygame.display.update() |
while True : |
for event in pygame.event.get(): |
if event = = quit: |
pygame.quit() |
exit() |
pygame.display.update() |
os.system( "cls" ) |
print ( "Mouse current coordinates is :" ,pygame.mouse.get_pos()) |
starts = pygame.key.get_focused() |
if starts = = 1 : |
print ( "Your music is playing..." ) |
pygame.mixer.music.unpause() |
else : |
pygame.mixer.music.pause() |
print ( "The music has paused. You need to point the cursor at the music player and press it to continue playing..." ) |
print (pygame.mixer.music.get_busy()) |
scenn.blit(img,( 0 , 0 )) |