class MyClass:
my_attribute = 42
def my_method(self, arg):
print(f"This is my_method with arg {arg}.")
obj = MyClass()
print(hasattr(obj, "my_method"))
print(hasattr(obj, "my_attribute"))
# Output:
# True
# True
# Using getattr to access an attribute
print(getattr(obj, "my_attribute"))
# Output:
# 42
# Using setattr to add an attribute
setattr(obj, "new_attribute", "hello")
# Output:
# hello
# Using delattr to delete an attribute
delattr(obj, "new_attribute")
print(hasattr(obj, "new_attribute"))
# Output:
# False
# Dynamically creating a class
MyDynamicClass = type("MyDynamicClass", (), {"my_attribute": 42, "my_method": lambda self, arg: print(f"This is my_method with arg {arg}.")})
obj2 = MyDynamicClass()
# Output:
# 42
# This is my_method with arg test.