from __future__ import division |
import sys |
import math |
import random |
import time |
from collections import deque |
from pyglet import image |
from import * |
from import TextureGroup |
from pyglet.window import key, mouse |
# Size of sectors used to ease block loading. |
GRAVITY = 20.0 |
MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT = 1.0 # About the height of a block. |
# To derive the formula for calculating jump speed, first solve |
# v_t = v_0 + a * t |
# for the time at which you achieve maximum height, where a is the acceleration |
# due to gravity and v_t = 0. This gives: |
# t = - v_0 / a |
# Use t and the desired MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT to solve for v_0 (jump speed) in |
# s = s_0 + v_0 * t + (a * t^2) / 2 |
if sys.version_info[ 0 ] > = 3 : |
xrange = range |
def cube_vertices(x, y, z, n): |
""" Return the vertices of the cube at position x, y, z with size 2*n. |
""" |
return [ |
x - n,y + n,z - n, x - n,y + n,z + n, x + n,y + n,z + n, x + n,y + n,z - n, # top |
x - n,y - n,z - n, x + n,y - n,z - n, x + n,y - n,z + n, x - n,y - n,z + n, # bottom |
x - n,y - n,z - n, x - n,y - n,z + n, x - n,y + n,z + n, x - n,y + n,z - n, # left |
x + n,y - n,z + n, x + n,y - n,z - n, x + n,y + n,z - n, x + n,y + n,z + n, # right |
x - n,y - n,z + n, x + n,y - n,z + n, x + n,y + n,z + n, x - n,y + n,z + n, # front |
x + n,y - n,z - n, x - n,y - n,z - n, x - n,y + n,z - n, x + n,y + n,z - n, # back |
] |
def tex_coord(x, y, n = 4 ): |
""" Return the bounding vertices of the texture square. |
""" |
m = 1.0 / n |
dx = x * m |
dy = y * m |
return dx, dy, dx + m, dy, dx + m, dy + m, dx, dy + m |
def tex_coords(top, bottom, side): |
""" Return a list of the texture squares for the top, bottom and side. |
""" |
top = tex_coord( * top) |
bottom = tex_coord( * bottom) |
side = tex_coord( * side) |
result = [] |
result.extend(top) |
result.extend(bottom) |
result.extend(side * 4 ) |
return result |
TEXTURE_PATH = 'texture.png' |
GRASS = tex_coords(( 1 , 0 ), ( 0 , 1 ), ( 0 , 0 )) |
SAND = tex_coords(( 1 , 1 ), ( 1 , 1 ), ( 1 , 1 )) |
BRICK = tex_coords(( 2 , 0 ), ( 2 , 0 ), ( 2 , 0 )) |
STONE = tex_coords(( 2 , 1 ), ( 2 , 1 ), ( 2 , 1 )) |
FACES = [ |
( 0 , 1 , 0 ), |
( 0 , - 1 , 0 ), |
( - 1 , 0 , 0 ), |
( 1 , 0 , 0 ), |
( 0 , 0 , 1 ), |
( 0 , 0 , - 1 ), |
] |
def normalize(position): |
""" Accepts `position` of arbitrary precision and returns the block |
containing that position. |
Parameters |
---------- |
position : tuple of len 3 |
Returns |
------- |
block_position : tuple of ints of len 3 |
""" |
x, y, z = position |
x, y, z = ( int ( round (x)), int ( round (y)), int ( round (z))) |
return (x, y, z) |
def sectorize(position): |
""" Returns a tuple representing the sector for the given `position`. |
Parameters |
---------- |
position : tuple of len 3 |
Returns |
------- |
sector : tuple of len 3 |
""" |
x, y, z = normalize(position) |
x, y, z = x / / SECTOR_SIZE, y / / SECTOR_SIZE, z / / SECTOR_SIZE |
return (x, 0 , z) |
class Model( object ): |
def __init__( self ): |
# A Batch is a collection of vertex lists for batched rendering. |
self .batch = |
# A TextureGroup manages an OpenGL texture. |
self .group = TextureGroup(image.load(TEXTURE_PATH).get_texture()) |
# A mapping from position to the texture of the block at that position. |
# This defines all the blocks that are currently in the world. |
self .world = {} |
# Same mapping as `world` but only contains blocks that are shown. |
self .shown = {} |
# Mapping from position to a pyglet `VertextList` for all shown blocks. |
self ._shown = {} |
# Mapping from sector to a list of positions inside that sector. |
self .sectors = {} |
# Simple function queue implementation. The queue is populated with |
# _show_block() and _hide_block() calls |
self .queue = deque() |
self ._initialize() |
def _initialize( self ): |
""" Initialize the world by placing all the blocks. |
""" |
n = 80 # 1/2 width and height of world |
s = 1 # step size |
y = 0 # initial y height |
for x in xrange ( - n, n + 1 , s): |
for z in xrange ( - n, n + 1 , s): |
# create a layer stone an grass everywhere. |
self .add_block((x, y - 2 , z), GRASS, immediate = False ) |
self .add_block((x, y - 3 , z), STONE, immediate = False ) |
if x in ( - n, n) or z in ( - n, n): |
# create outer walls. |
for dy in xrange ( - 2 , 3 ): |
self .add_block((x, y + dy, z), STONE, immediate = False ) |
# generate the hills randomly |
o = n - 10 |
for _ in xrange ( 120 ): |
a = random.randint( - o, o) # x position of the hill |
b = random.randint( - o, o) # z position of the hill |
c = - 1 # base of the hill |
h = random.randint( 1 , 6 ) # height of the hill |
s = random.randint( 4 , 8 ) # 2 * s is the side length of the hill |
d = 1 # how quickly to taper off the hills |
t = random.choice([GRASS, SAND, BRICK]) |
for y in xrange (c, c + h): |
for x in xrange (a - s, a + s + 1 ): |
for z in xrange (b - s, b + s + 1 ): |
if (x - a) * * 2 + (z - b) * * 2 > (s + 1 ) * * 2 : |
continue |
if (x - 0 ) * * 2 + (z - 0 ) * * 2 < 5 * * 2 : |
continue |
self .add_block((x, y, z), t, immediate = False ) |
s - = d # decrement side lenth so hills taper off |
def hit_test( self , position, vector, max_distance = 8 ): |
""" Line of sight search from current position. If a block is |
intersected it is returned, along with the block previously in the line |
of sight. If no block is found, return None, None. |
Parameters |
---------- |
position : tuple of len 3 |
The (x, y, z) position to check visibility from. |
vector : tuple of len 3 |
The line of sight vector. |
max_distance : int |
How many blocks away to search for a hit. |
""" |
m = 8 |
x, y, z = position |
dx, dy, dz = vector |
previous = None |
for _ in xrange (max_distance * m): |
key = normalize((x, y, z)) |
if key ! = previous and key in self .world: |
return key, previous |
previous = key |
x, y, z = x + dx / m, y + dy / m, z + dz / m |
return None , None |
def exposed( self , position): |
""" Returns False is given `position` is surrounded on all 6 sides by |
blocks, True otherwise. |
""" |
x, y, z = position |
for dx, dy, dz in FACES: |
if (x + dx, y + dy, z + dz) not in self .world: |
return True |
return False |
def add_block( self , position, texture, immediate = True ): |
""" Add a block with the given `texture` and `position` to the world. |
Parameters |
---------- |
position : tuple of len 3 |
The (x, y, z) position of the block to add. |
texture : list of len 3 |
The coordinates of the texture squares. Use `tex_coords()` to |
generate. |
immediate : bool |
Whether or not to draw the block immediately. |
""" |
if position in self .world: |
self .remove_block(position, immediate) |
self .world[position] = texture |
self .sectors.setdefault(sectorize(position), []).append(position) |
if immediate: |
if self .exposed(position): |
self .show_block(position) |
self .check_neighbors(position) |
def remove_block( self , position, immediate = True ): |
""" Remove the block at the given `position`. |
Parameters |
---------- |
position : tuple of len 3 |
The (x, y, z) position of the block to remove. |
immediate : bool |
Whether or not to immediately remove block from canvas. |
""" |
del self .world[position] |
self .sectors[sectorize(position)].remove(position) |
if immediate: |
if position in self .shown: |
self .hide_block(position) |
self .check_neighbors(position) |
def check_neighbors( self , position): |
""" Check all blocks surrounding `position` and ensure their visual |
state is current. This means hiding blocks that are not exposed and |
ensuring that all exposed blocks are shown. Usually used after a block |
is added or removed. |
""" |
x, y, z = position |
for dx, dy, dz in FACES: |
key = (x + dx, y + dy, z + dz) |
if key not in self .world: |
continue |
if self .exposed(key): |
if key not in self .shown: |
self .show_block(key) |
else : |
if key in self .shown: |
self .hide_block(key) |
def show_block( self , position, immediate = True ): |
""" Show the block at the given `position`. This method assumes the |
block has already been added with add_block() |
Parameters |
---------- |
position : tuple of len 3 |
The (x, y, z) position of the block to show. |
immediate : bool |
Whether or not to show the block immediately. |
""" |
texture = self .world[position] |
self .shown[position] = texture |
if immediate: |
self ._show_block(position, texture) |
else : |
self ._enqueue( self ._show_block, position, texture) |
def _show_block( self , position, texture): |
""" Private implementation of the `show_block()` method. |
Parameters |
---------- |
position : tuple of len 3 |
The (x, y, z) position of the block to show. |
texture : list of len 3 |
The coordinates of the texture squares. Use `tex_coords()` to |
generate. |
""" |
x, y, z = position |
vertex_data = cube_vertices(x, y, z, 0.5 ) |
texture_data = list (texture) |
# create vertex list |
# FIXME Maybe `add_indexed()` should be used instead |
self ._shown[position] = self .batch.add( 24 , GL_QUADS, self .group, |
( 'v3f/static' , vertex_data), |
( 't2f/static' , texture_data)) |
def hide_block( self , position, immediate = True ): |
""" Hide the block at the given `position`. Hiding does not remove the |
block from the world. |
Parameters |
---------- |
position : tuple of len 3 |
The (x, y, z) position of the block to hide. |
immediate : bool |
Whether or not to immediately remove the block from the canvas. |
""" |
self .shown.pop(position) |
if immediate: |
self ._hide_block(position) |
else : |
self ._enqueue( self ._hide_block, position) |
def _hide_block( self , position): |
""" Private implementation of the 'hide_block()` method. |
""" |
self ._shown.pop(position).delete() |
def show_sector( self , sector): |
""" Ensure all blocks in the given sector that should be shown are |
drawn to the canvas. |
""" |
for position in self .sectors.get(sector, []): |
if position not in self .shown and self .exposed(position): |
self .show_block(position, False ) |
def hide_sector( self , sector): |
""" Ensure all blocks in the given sector that should be hidden are |
removed from the canvas. |
""" |
for position in self .sectors.get(sector, []): |
if position in self .shown: |
self .hide_block(position, False ) |
def change_sectors( self , before, after): |
""" Move from sector `before` to sector `after`. A sector is a |
contiguous x, y sub-region of world. Sectors are used to speed up |
world rendering. |
""" |
before_set = set () |
after_set = set () |
pad = 4 |
for dx in xrange ( - pad, pad + 1 ): |
for dy in [ 0 ]: # xrange(-pad, pad + 1): |
for dz in xrange ( - pad, pad + 1 ): |
if dx * * 2 + dy * * 2 + dz * * 2 > (pad + 1 ) * * 2 : |
continue |
if before: |
x, y, z = before |
before_set.add((x + dx, y + dy, z + dz)) |
if after: |
x, y, z = after |
after_set.add((x + dx, y + dy, z + dz)) |
show = after_set - before_set |
hide = before_set - after_set |
for sector in show: |
self .show_sector(sector) |
for sector in hide: |
self .hide_sector(sector) |
def _enqueue( self , func, * args): |
""" Add `func` to the internal queue. |
""" |
self .queue.append((func, args)) |
def _dequeue( self ): |
""" Pop the top function from the internal queue and call it. |
""" |
func, args = self .queue.popleft() |
func( * args) |
def process_queue( self ): |
""" Process the entire queue while taking periodic breaks. This allows |
the game loop to run smoothly. The queue contains calls to |
_show_block() and _hide_block() so this method should be called if |
add_block() or remove_block() was called with immediate=False |
""" |
start = time.clock() |
while self .queue and time.clock() - start < 1.0 / TICKS_PER_SEC: |
self ._dequeue() |
def process_entire_queue( self ): |
""" Process the entire queue with no breaks. |
""" |
while self .queue: |
self ._dequeue() |
class Window(pyglet.window.Window): |
def __init__( self , * args, * * kwargs): |
super (Window, self ).__init__( * args, * * kwargs) |
# Whether or not the window exclusively captures the mouse. |
self .exclusive = False |
# When flying gravity has no effect and speed is increased. |
self .flying = False |
# Strafing is moving lateral to the direction you are facing, |
# e.g. moving to the left or right while continuing to face forward. |
# |
# First element is -1 when moving forward, 1 when moving back, and 0 |
# otherwise. The second element is -1 when moving left, 1 when moving |
# right, and 0 otherwise. |
self .strafe = [ 0 , 0 ] |
# Current (x, y, z) position in the world, specified with floats. Note |
# that, perhaps unlike in math class, the y-axis is the vertical axis. |
self .position = ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) |
# First element is rotation of the player in the x-z plane (ground |
# plane) measured from the z-axis down. The second is the rotation |
# angle from the ground plane up. Rotation is in degrees. |
# |
# The vertical plane rotation ranges from -90 (looking straight down) to |
# 90 (looking straight up). The horizontal rotation range is unbounded. |
self .rotation = ( 0 , 0 ) |
# Which sector the player is currently in. |
self .sector = None |
# The crosshairs at the center of the screen. |
self .reticle = None |
# Velocity in the y (upward) direction. |
self .dy = 0 |
# A list of blocks the player can place. Hit num keys to cycle. |
self .inventory = [BRICK, GRASS, SAND] |
# The current block the user can place. Hit num keys to cycle. |
self .block = self .inventory[ 0 ] |
# Convenience list of num keys. |
self .num_keys = [ |
key._1, key._2, key._3, key._4, key._5, |
key._6, key._7, key._8, key._9, key._0] |
# Instance of the model that handles the world. |
self .model = Model() |
# The label that is displayed in the top left of the canvas. |
self .label = pyglet.text.Label(' ', font_name=' Arial', font_size = 18 , |
x = 10 , y = self .height - 10 , anchor_x = 'left' , anchor_y = 'top' , |
color = ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 )) |
# This call schedules the `update()` method to be called |
# TICKS_PER_SEC. This is the main game event loop. |
pyglet.clock.schedule_interval( self .update, 1.0 / TICKS_PER_SEC) |
def set_exclusive_mouse( self , exclusive): |
""" If `exclusive` is True, the game will capture the mouse, if False |
the game will ignore the mouse. |
""" |
super (Window, self ).set_exclusive_mouse(exclusive) |
self .exclusive = exclusive |
def get_sight_vector( self ): |
""" Returns the current line of sight vector indicating the direction |
the player is looking. |
""" |
x, y = self .rotation |
# y ranges from -90 to 90, or -pi/2 to pi/2, so m ranges from 0 to 1 and |
# is 1 when looking ahead parallel to the ground and 0 when looking |
# straight up or down. |
m = math.cos(math.radians(y)) |
# dy ranges from -1 to 1 and is -1 when looking straight down and 1 when |
# looking straight up. |
dy = math.sin(math.radians(y)) |
dx = math.cos(math.radians(x - 90 )) * m |
dz = math.sin(math.radians(x - 90 )) * m |
return (dx, dy, dz) |
def get_motion_vector( self ): |
""" Returns the current motion vector indicating the velocity of the |
player. |
Returns |
------- |
vector : tuple of len 3 |
Tuple containing the velocity in x, y, and z respectively. |
""" |
if any ( self .strafe): |
x, y = self .rotation |
strafe = math.degrees(math.atan2( * self .strafe)) |
y_angle = math.radians(y) |
x_angle = math.radians(x + strafe) |
if self .flying: |
m = math.cos(y_angle) |
dy = math.sin(y_angle) |
if self .strafe[ 1 ]: |
# Moving left or right. |
dy = 0.0 |
m = 1 |
if self .strafe[ 0 ] > 0 : |
# Moving backwards. |
dy * = - 1 |
# When you are flying up or down, you have less left and right |
# motion. |
dx = math.cos(x_angle) * m |
dz = math.sin(x_angle) * m |
else : |
dy = 0.0 |
dx = math.cos(x_angle) |
dz = math.sin(x_angle) |
else : |
dy = 0.0 |
dx = 0.0 |
dz = 0.0 |
return (dx, dy, dz) |
def update( self , dt): |
""" This method is scheduled to be called repeatedly by the pyglet |
clock. |
Parameters |
---------- |
dt : float |
The change in time since the last call. |
""" |
self .model.process_queue() |
sector = sectorize( self .position) |
if sector ! = self .sector: |
self .model.change_sectors( self .sector, sector) |
if self .sector is None : |
self .model.process_entire_queue() |
self .sector = sector |
m = 8 |
dt = min (dt, 0.2 ) |
for _ in xrange (m): |
self ._update(dt / m) |
def _update( self , dt): |
""" Private implementation of the `update()` method. This is where most |
of the motion logic lives, along with gravity and collision detection. |
Parameters |
---------- |
dt : float |
The change in time since the last call. |
""" |
# walking |
speed = FLYING_SPEED if self .flying else WALKING_SPEED |
d = dt * speed # distance covered this tick. |
dx, dy, dz = self .get_motion_vector() |
# New position in space, before accounting for gravity. |
dx, dy, dz = dx * d, dy * d, dz * d |
# gravity |
if not self .flying: |
# Update your vertical speed: if you are falling, speed up until you |
# hit terminal velocity; if you are jumping, slow down until you |
# start falling. |
self .dy - = dt * GRAVITY |
self .dy = max ( self .dy, - TERMINAL_VELOCITY) |
dy + = self .dy * dt |
# collisions |
x, y, z = self .position |
x, y, z = self .collide((x + dx, y + dy, z + dz), PLAYER_HEIGHT) |
self .position = (x, y, z) |
def collide( self , position, height): |
""" Checks to see if the player at the given `position` and `height` |
is colliding with any blocks in the world. |
Parameters |
---------- |
position : tuple of len 3 |
The (x, y, z) position to check for collisions at. |
height : int or float |
The height of the player. |
Returns |
------- |
position : tuple of len 3 |
The new position of the player taking into account collisions. |
""" |
# How much overlap with a dimension of a surrounding block you need to |
# have to count as a collision. If 0, touching terrain at all counts as |
# a collision. If .49, you sink into the ground, as if walking through |
# tall grass. If >= .5, you'll fall through the ground. |
pad = 0.25 |
p = list (position) |
np = normalize(position) |
for face in FACES: # check all surrounding blocks |
for i in xrange ( 3 ): # check each dimension independently |
if not face[i]: |
continue |
# How much overlap you have with this dimension. |
d = (p[i] - np[i]) * face[i] |
if d < pad: |
continue |
for dy in xrange (height): # check each height |
op = list (np) |
op[ 1 ] - = dy |
op[i] + = face[i] |
if tuple (op) not in self |
continue |
p[i] - = (d - pad) * face[i] |
if face = = ( 0 , - 1 , 0 ) or face = = ( 0 , 1 , 0 ): |
# You are colliding with the ground or ceiling, so stop |
# falling / rising. |
self .dy = 0 |
break |
return tuple (p) |
def on_mouse_press( self , x, y, button, modifiers): |
""" Called when a mouse button is pressed. See pyglet docs for button |
amd modifier mappings. |
Parameters |
---------- |
x, y : int |
The coordinates of the mouse click. Always center of the screen if |
the mouse is captured. |
button : int |
Number representing mouse button that was clicked. 1 = left button, |
4 = right button. |
modifiers : int |
Number representing any modifying keys that were pressed when the |
mouse button was clicked. |
""" |
if self .exclusive: |
vector = self .get_sight_vector() |
block, previous = self .model.hit_test( self .position, vector) |
if (button = = mouse.RIGHT) or \ |
((button = = mouse.LEFT) and (modifiers & key.MOD_CTRL)): |
# ON OSX, control + left click = right click. |
if previous: |
self .model.add_block(previous, self .block) |
elif button = = pyglet.window.mouse.LEFT and block: |
texture = self[block] |
if texture ! = STONE: |
self .model.remove_block(block) |
else : |
self .set_exclusive_mouse( True ) |
def on_mouse_motion( self , x, y, dx, dy): |
""" Called when the player moves the mouse. |
Parameters |
---------- |
x, y : int |
The coordinates of the mouse click. Always center of the screen if |
the mouse is captured. |
dx, dy : float |
The movement of the mouse. |
""" |
if self .exclusive: |
m = 0.15 |
x, y = self .rotation |
x, y = x + dx * m, y + dy * m |
y = max ( - 90 , min ( 90 , y)) |
self .rotation = (x, y) |
def on_key_press( self , symbol, modifiers): |
""" Called when the player presses a key. See pyglet docs for key |
mappings. |
Parameters |
---------- |
symbol : int |
Number representing the key that was pressed. |
modifiers : int |
Number representing any modifying keys that were pressed. |
""" |
if symbol = = key.W: |
self .strafe[ 0 ] - = 1 |
elif symbol = = key.S: |
self .strafe[ 0 ] + = 1 |
elif symbol = = key.A: |
self .strafe[ 1 ] - = 1 |
elif symbol = = key.D: |
self .strafe[ 1 ] + = 1 |
elif symbol = = key.SPACE: |
if self .dy = = 0 : |
self .dy = JUMP_SPEED |
elif symbol = = key.ESCAPE: |
self .set_exclusive_mouse( False ) |
elif symbol = = key.TAB: |
self .flying = not self .flying |
elif symbol in self .num_keys: |
index = (symbol - self .num_keys[ 0 ]) % len ( self .inventory) |
self .block = self .inventory[index] |
def on_key_release( self , symbol, modifiers): |
""" Called when the player releases a key. See pyglet docs for key |
mappings. |
Parameters |
---------- |
symbol : int |
Number representing the key that was pressed. |
modifiers : int |
Number representing any modifying keys that were pressed. |
""" |
if symbol = = key.W: |
self .strafe[ 0 ] + = 1 |
elif symbol = = key.S: |
self .strafe[ 0 ] - = 1 |
elif symbol = = key.A: |
self .strafe[ 1 ] + = 1 |
elif symbol = = key.D: |
self .strafe[ 1 ] - = 1 |
def on_resize( self , width, height): |
""" Called when the window is resized to a new `width` and `height`. |
""" |
# label |
self .label.y = height - 10 |
# reticle |
if self .reticle: |
self .reticle.delete() |
x, y = self .width / / 2 , self .height / / 2 |
n = 10 |
self .reticle = 4 , |
( 'v2i' , (x - n, y, x + n, y, x, y - n, x, y + n)) |
) |
def set_2d( self ): |
""" Configure OpenGL to draw in 2d. |
""" |
width, height = self .get_size() |
glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) |
viewport = self .get_viewport_size() |
glViewport( 0 , 0 , max ( 1 , viewport[ 0 ]), max ( 1 , viewport[ 1 ])) |
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) |
glLoadIdentity() |
glOrtho( 0 , max ( 1 , width), 0 , max ( 1 , height), - 1 , 1 ) |
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) |
glLoadIdentity() |
def set_3d( self ): |
""" Configure OpenGL to draw in 3d. |
""" |
width, height = self .get_size() |
glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) |
viewport = self .get_viewport_size() |
glViewport( 0 , 0 , max ( 1 , viewport[ 0 ]), max ( 1 , viewport[ 1 ])) |
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) |
glLoadIdentity() |
gluPerspective( 65.0 , width / float (height), 0.1 , 60.0 ) |
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) |
glLoadIdentity() |
x, y = self .rotation |
glRotatef(x, 0 , 1 , 0 ) |
glRotatef( - y, math.cos(math.radians(x)), 0 , math.sin(math.radians(x))) |
x, y, z = self .position |
glTranslatef( - x, - y, - z) |
def on_draw( self ): |
""" Called by pyglet to draw the canvas. |
""" |
self .clear() |
self .set_3d() |
glColor3d( 1 , 1 , 1 ) |
self .model.batch.draw() |
self .draw_focused_block() |
self .set_2d() |
self .draw_label() |
self .draw_reticle() |
def draw_focused_block( self ): |
""" Draw black edges around the block that is currently under the |
crosshairs. |
""" |
vector = self .get_sight_vector() |
block = self .model.hit_test( self .position, vector)[ 0 ] |
if block: |
x, y, z = block |
vertex_data = cube_vertices(x, y, z, 0.51 ) |
glColor3d( 0 , 0 , 0 ) |
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE) | 24 , GL_QUADS, ( 'v3f/static' , vertex_data)) |
def draw_label( self ): |
""" Draw the label in the top left of the screen. |
""" |
x, y, z = self .position |
self .label.text = '%02d (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) %d / %d' % ( |
pyglet.clock.get_fps(), x, y, z, |
len ( self .model._shown), len ( self |
self .label.draw() |
def draw_reticle( self ): |
""" Draw the crosshairs in the center of the screen. |
""" |
glColor3d( 0 , 0 , 0 ) |
self .reticle.draw(GL_LINES) |
def setup_fog(): |
""" Configure the OpenGL fog properties. |
""" |
# Enable fog. Fog "blends a fog color with each rasterized pixel fragment's |
# post-texturing color." |
glEnable(GL_FOG) |
# Set the fog color. |
glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, (GLfloat * 4 )( 0.5 , 0.69 , 1.0 , 1 )) |
# Say we have no preference between rendering speed and quality. |
# Specify the equation used to compute the blending factor. |
# How close and far away fog starts and ends. The closer the start and end, |
# the denser the fog in the fog range. |
glFogf(GL_FOG_START, 20.0 ) |
glFogf(GL_FOG_END, 60.0 ) |
def setup(): |
""" Basic OpenGL configuration. |
""" |
# Set the color of "clear", i.e. the sky, in rgba. |
glClearColor( 0.5 , 0.69 , 1.0 , 1 ) |
# Enable culling (not rendering) of back-facing facets -- facets that aren't |
# visible to you. |
glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) |
# Set the texture minification/magnification function to GL_NEAREST (nearest |
# in Manhattan distance) to the specified texture coordinates. GL_NEAREST |
# "is generally faster than GL_LINEAR, but it can produce textured images |
# with sharper edges because the transition between texture elements is not |
# as smooth." |
setup_fog() |
def main(): |
window = Window(width = 800 , height = 600 , caption = 'Pyglet' , resizable = True ) |
# Hide the mouse cursor and prevent the mouse from leaving the window. |
window.set_exclusive_mouse( True ) |
setup() | |
if __name__ = = '__main__' : |
main() |
by: 云代码会员 发表于:2021-10-31 17:14:23 顶(7) | 踩(7) 回复