#include"stdio.h" #include"stddef.h" #include"stddef.h" #include"string.h" #define MAX 10 typedef struct student { char name[MAX]; int num[MAX]; char sex[MAX]; int chinese; int mathematic; int english; int computer; struct student *next; } stu; stu *head; void print() { system("cls"); printf("\t\t\tScore Manage System\n"); printf("<1>Enter Record\t"); printf("<2>Display\t"); printf("<3>Insert\t"); printf("<4>Quest\t"); printf("<5>Update\t"); printf("<6>Save\t"); printf("<7>Fresh\t"); printf("<8>Chinese Average\t"); printf("<9>Math Average\t"); printf("<10>English Average\t"); printf("<11>Computer Average\t"); printf("<12>Quit\t\n"); } void cin(stu *p1) { printf("Enter name:\n"); scanf("%s", &p1->name); printf("Enter num:\n"); scanf("%d", &p1->num); printf("Enter sex:\n"); scanf("%s", &p1->sex); printf("Enter score:\n"); printf("Enter chinese:\n"); scanf("%d", &p1->chinese); printf("Enter math:\n"); scanf("%d", &p1->mathematic); printf("Enter English:\n"); scanf("%d", &p1->english); printf("Enter Computer:\n"); scanf("%d", &p1->computer); } stu *cindata() { stu *p1, *p2; int i = 1; char ch; p1 = (stu *)malloc(sizeof(stu)); head = p1; while(i) { cin(p1); printf("Do you Want to Continue?yes or no"); ch = getchar(); ch = getchar(); if(ch == 'n' || ch == 'N') { i = 0; p1->next = NULL; } else { p2 = p1; p1 = (stu *)malloc(sizeof(stu)); p2->next = p1; } } return(p1->next); } void lookdata(stu *p1) { while(p1 != NULL) { printf("Num:%d\t", p1->num); printf("Name:%s\t", p1->name); printf("Sex:%s\t", p1->sex); printf("\n"); printf("Chinese:%d\t", p1->chinese); printf("Math:%d\t", p1->mathematic); printf("English:%d\t", p1->english); printf("Computer:%d\t", p1->computer); printf("\n"); p1 = p1->next; } } void insert(stu *p2) { stu *p1, *p3; char ch; int i = 1; p3 = (stu *)malloc(sizeof(stu)); p1 = p2; while(i) { cin(p3); printf("Enter again?yes or no"); ch = getchar(); ch = getchar(); if(ch == 'n' || ch == 'N') { i = 0; p3->next = NULL; } else { while(p1 != NULL) p1 = p1->next; p3 = (stu *)malloc(sizeof(stu)); p1->next = p3; } } } find(stu *p2) { char name[20]; int b = 0; printf("Enter the name of the student you want to find:"); scanf("%s", name); while(p2 != NULL) { if(strcmp(name, p2->name) == 0) { printf("The data you want has be found\n"); printf(" Name:%s\t", p2->name); printf("Num:%d\t", p2->num); printf("sex%s\t", p2->sex); printf("\n"); printf("Chinese:%d\t", p2->chinese); printf("Math:%d\t", p2->mathematic); printf("English:%d\t", p2->english); printf("Computer:%d\t", p2->computer); printf("\n"); b = 1; } else if(b == 0) printf("对不起,没有找到你要找的数据"); p2 = p2->next; } if(b == 1) { print(); printf("Find one\n"); } else { print(); printf("Not find\n"); } } void caverage(stu *p2) { stu *p1; int i; float max = 0.0, min = 200.0; float sum = 0.0, aver = 0; p1 = p2; if(p1 == NULL) printf("not data!"); else for(i = 0; p1 != NULL; i++, p1 = p1->next) sum += p1->chinese; aver /= i; for(i = 0; p1 != NULL; i++, p1 = p1->next) if(max < p1->chinese) max = p1->chinese; for(i = 0; p1 != NULL; i++, p1 = p1->next) if(min < p1->chinese) min = p1->chinese; printf("Chinese Average:%f", aver); printf("Chinese Max:%f", max); printf("Chinese Min:%f", min); } void maverage(stu *p2) { stu *p1; int i; float max = 0.0, min = 200.0; float sum = 0.0, aver = 0; p1 = p2; if(p1 == NULL) printf("not data!"); else for(i = 0; p1 != NULL; i++, p1 = p1->next) sum += p1->mathematic; aver /= i; for(i = 0; p1 != NULL; i++, p1 = p1->next) if(max < p1->mathematic) max = p1->mathematic; for(i = 0; p1 != NULL; i++, p1 = p1->next) if(min < p1->mathematic) min = p1->mathematic; printf("Math Average:%f", aver); printf("Math Max:%f", max); printf("Math Min:%f", min); } void eaverage(stu *p2) { stu *p1; int i; float max = 0.0, min = 200.0; float sum = 0.0, aver = 0; p1 = p2; if(p1 == NULL) printf("not data!"); else for(i = 0; p1 != NULL; i++, p1 = p1->next) sum += p1->english; aver /= i; for(i = 0; p1 != NULL; i++, p1 = p1->next) if(max < p1->english) max = p1->english; for(i = 0; p1 != NULL; i++, p1 = p1->next) if(min < p1->english) min = p1->english; printf("English avergre:%f", aver); printf("English Max:%f", max); printf("English Min:%f", min); } void comaverage(stu *p2) { stu *p1; int i; float max = 0.0, min = 200.0; float sum = 0.0, aver = 0; p1 = p2; if(p1 == NULL) printf("not data!"); else for(i = 0; p1 != NULL; i++, p1 = p1->next) sum += p1->computer; aver /= i; for(i = 0; p1 != NULL; i++, p1 = p1->next) if(max < p1->computer) max = p1->computer; for(i = 0; p1 != NULL; i++, p1 = p1->next) if(min < p1->computer) min = p1->computer; printf("Computer Averger:%f", aver); printf("Computer Max:%f", max); printf("Computer Min:%f", min); } update(stu *p2) { char name[10]; int b = 0; printf("Enter The Name"); scanf("%s", name); while(p2 != NULL) { if(strcmp(name, p2->name) == 0) { printf("Find you data\n"); scanf("Name:%s", p2->name); scanf("Num:%s", p2->num); scanf("Sex:%s", p2->sex); scanf("Chinese:%d", p2->chinese); scanf("Math:%d", p2->mathematic); scanf("english:%d", p2->english); scanf("Computer:%d", p2->computer); printf("Success!"); b = 1; } else if(b == 0) printf("Sorry not Find data!"); p2 = p2->next; } if(b == 0) { print(); printf("Sorry not Find data!"); } else { print(); printf("Finish!"); } } save(stu *p2) { FILE *fp; char file[10]; printf("Enter file name"); scanf("%s", file); fp = fopen(file, "w"); while(p2 != NULL) { fprintf(fp, "%s", p2->name); fprintf(fp, "%s", p2->num); fprintf(fp, "%s", p2->sex); fprintf(fp, "%d", p2->chinese); fprintf(fp, "%d", p2->mathematic); fprintf(fp, "%d", p2->english); fprintf(fp, "%d", p2->computer); p2 = p2->next; } fclose(fp); } char password[7] = "123456"; void main() { int choice; stu *p2; char s[8]; int flag = 0, i; int n = 3; do { printf("Enter password:\n"); scanf("%s", s); if(!strcmp(s, password)) { printf("PASS\n\n\n"); flag = 1; break; } else { printf("Error Enter again:\n"); n--; } } while(n > 0); if(!flag) { printf("you have Enter 3 times!"); exit(0); } printf("~~~~~~~~~~\t\t\t~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"); printf("\t\tWelcom to the Mis\n"); printf("Author:-----\tClass:------\tNum:------\n"); printf("Adress:HG\n"); printf("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n"); printf("\t\tEnter OP:\n"); printf("\n\n\n\n"); printf("==============\t\t==============\n"); printf("==============\t\t==============\n"); printf("\t\tEnter the MIS yes or no\n"); scanf("%d", &choice); if(choice == 'n' || choice == 'N') exit(1); print(); while(1) { printf("Enter choice:"); scanf("%d", &i); if(i < 1 || i > 8) { printf("Enter num from 1 to 8:\n"); exit(1); } switch(i) { case 1: p2 = cindata(); break; case 2: lookdata(head); break; case 3: insert(p2); break; case 4: find(head); break; case 5: update(head); break; case 6: save(head); break; case 7: print(); break; case 8: caverage(head); break; case 9: maverage(head); break; case 10: eaverage(head); break; case 11: comaverage(head); break; case 12: ; case 13: exit(1); break; } scanf("%d", &i); } }
by: 我要做一个美少女程序媛 发表于:2014-03-14 22:53:19 顶(0) | 踩(0) 回复
by: suwen 发表于:2013-07-29 18:46:46 顶(1) | 踩(1) 回复
回复小蜜锋 : 可以分享一下吗?
顶(5) 踩(0) 2013-08-02 17:24:03